A Declaration of Inter-Religious Commitment adopted at Churchwide Assembly
Adopted at the 2019 ELCA Churchwide Assembly, A Declaration of Inter-Religious Commitment will serve as church policy for inter-religious relations. The policy statement was adopted with the witness of 39 ecumenical and inter-religious guests in attendance.
For a summary of actions from the 2019 ELCA Churchwide Assembly, go here.
“It is exciting to be on the cusp of considering a common basis for our inter-religious relations across the diverse ministries and contexts of this church. I hope that you will experience renewed joy and fresh insights as you read this document. I also hope that you will be able to experience its potential as a tool to aid practical application and theological reflection in the places where you worship and serve.
This declaration reflects the realities of our long-standing inter-religious relations as a church, while giving us a framework for a common articulation of our context, our calling and our commitments to this vocation. We are truly freed in Christ to engage our neighbors in this multi-religious world.”