The Generosity Project connects generations and equips households as centers for the faith practice of generosity.

Resources include:

  • an Introductory Generosity Project “Lab” experience,

  • an outline for an introductory 3.5 hour workshop,

  • five sessions plus worship with a detailed planning guide,

  • Live It Out take-home activities,

  • foundation and fundamentals that offer an overview for the project, and

  • an extensive, curated resource list.

If you have questions, please contact Rev. Miguel Gomez-Acosta, Director for Evangelical Mission and Bishop’s Associate for Congregational Vitality, 480-297-3341,

Follow us on Facebook at

The Generosity Project is made possible through a generous grant from The Stewardship of Life Institute (SOLI), the ELCA Stewardship Program, and the Grand Canyon Synod Staff and Stewardship Team.