The Generosity Project connects generations and equips households as centers for the faith practice of generosity.
Resources include:
an Introductory Generosity Project “Lab” experience,
an outline for an introductory 3.5 hour workshop,
five sessions plus worship with a detailed planning guide,
Live It Out take-home activities,
foundation and fundamentals that offer an overview for the project, and
an extensive, curated resource list.
If you have questions, please contact Rev. Miguel Gomez-Acosta, Director for Evangelical Mission and Bishop’s Associate for Congregational Vitality, 480-297-3341,
Follow us on Facebook at
The Grand Canyon Synod Stewardship teams shares a post from Luther Seminary’s faith+lead on the right kinds of stories to tell in stewardship, with nine practical ideas on how to accomplish good storytelling.
The October 2021 issue of Living Lutheran focuses on Intergenerational Ministry, with several articles and perspectives on the topic. The primary article shares many resources, including an interview with Linda Staats of the Generosity Project, as well as photos from the Grand Canyon Synod.
View the article online or in its magazine format, and find the study guide here.
The Grand Canyon Synod's Stewardship team is excited to announce the creation of a comprehensive website for The Generosity Project at
The website was made possible by a portion of a grant the Grand Canyon Synod’s Stewardship Team received from SOLI (Stewardship of Life Institute) to support the development of The Generosity Project across our synod.
In this week’s Story of Faith in Action (SOFIA): Ministering to some 700 National Guard and Army troops during New York City’s severe COVID-19 outbreak might seem daunting. But not to Anthony Stephens, an ELCA pastor and an Army chaplain.
In this week’s Story of Faith in Action (SOFIA), we explore Lutheran Campus Ministry Chapel at West Virginia University, where pastor Tony Setley explains how he draws students in, and shares the story of rent-free homes for people discerning calls to ministry.
In this week’s Story of Faith in Action (SOFIA), we explore The Generosity Project.
Sometimes stewardship is misunderstood, equated simply with giving money rather than sharing time, spirit and love. Linda Staats is trying to change that with The Generosity Project, a stewardship resource funded in part by Mission Support.
Thanks for to all who attended the Grand Canyon Synod’s Stewardship presentation on Planning for a 2020 Stewardship Appeal.
We're providing access to a video of the meeting and some of the resources and options shared that are helpful planning to tell the stories of ministry that encourage faithful generosity.
A new document from The Generosity Project provides valuable resources and ideas for rethinking the way we approach ministry. This resource document will help you create a lasting culture of effective financial stewardship and generosity, beginning with our households of every age and stage.
The Grand Canyon Synod Stewardship Team invites you to a web event, Planning for 2020 Stewardship Appeal, which will help you respond to God's call for support of your church's mission in this season of COVID-19.
Join us via Zoom on Monday, July 13, 2020, at 7 pm. Click here to register in advance for this meeting.
The Generosity Project is made possible through a generous grant from The Stewardship of Life Institute (SOLI), the ELCA Stewardship Program, and the Grand Canyon Synod Staff and Stewardship Team.
🚨 New Zoom Link! If you’re attending The Generosity of the Generosity Project on February 3, be sure to use the updated Zoom link to join the discussion. This event is for past users, those who have adapted the resource, and anyone curious about its potential. No registration is needed—just click and join the conversation! Monday, February 3, 6:00-7:30 p.m. Central Time. Click here to join.