
Educate, Equip, Enact (3E)

The Grand Canyon Synod is pleased to announce that it is sharing in a grant awarded to the Rocky Mountain Synod as part of the Lilly Endowment’s National Initiative to Address Economic Challenges Facing Pastoral Leaders. The purpose of the grant is to build a Ministerial Excellence Fund and to help congregations enhance stewardship. Funds for the match will be contributed by generous congregations and individuals who understand that we share a common purpose and that lifting the welfare of one lifts the welfare of all. 

The grant will expend a total of $1,000,000 in partnership with the Rocky Mountain Synod. Half of that amount consists of Lilly dollars, and half is required to be raised in order to match each grant dollar. The plan is to expend $700,000 in the Rocky Mountain Synod and $300,000 in the Grand Canyon Synod.

The new program, titled Educate, Equip, Enact (3E), will increase capacity for healthy ministry by alleviating rostered ministers' crippling debt and give tools to congregations to increase generosity and renew focus on mission. In the Grand Canyon Synod, 3E will have three components, Stewardship for All Seasons, Vital Right-Shaped Ministry, and the Ministerial Excellence Fund for rostered ministers and candidates. 

The objective of Stewardship for All Seasons (SAS) is to guide rostered ministers and congregational leaders to learn tried and true principles of fundraising and effective methodologies to carry out fruitful, broad-range stewardship programs that enliven a culture of generosity. 

The Ministerial Excellence Fund (MEF) will enable us to partner with any Grand Canyon Synod rostered minister to develop strong financial literacy and financial management skills, while providing aid to reduce or eliminate education (seminary or undergraduate) or medical debt. A portion of the grant is also reserved for aiding those in a time of emergency, when all avenues of alternate relief have been investigated and applied for.

To learn more about the opportunities available through 3E visit gcsynod.org. If you have questions about the stewardship opportunities contact Miguel Gomez-Acosta at miguel.gomez-acosta@elca.org   If you are wondering if the Ministerial Excellence Funds are right for you contact Molly Gary at marykgary@gmail.com to share your situation or raise your questions.