In an effort to reduce paper usage for weekly worship bulletin production, Faith Lutheran in Phoenix, AZ is seeking unwanted Evangelical Lutheran Worship hymnals (the cranberry hymnal) from other congregations of the Grand Canyon Synod.
Read MoreUpdated hours: Faith/La Fa in Phoenix is holding a Rummage Sale on Saturday, January 28, 2023 from 8am to 1pm. There will be snacks, sales, and a sock & underwear drive for NAUM. Read the full post on how to donate and learn more.
Read MoreBeautiful Savior Lutheran Church in Tucson has 35 gray choir robes plus 2 director's robes that are free to a good home. Contact Jenni Pavesic in the church office if you're interested, 520-744-2665 or
Read MoreNew Promise Lutheran in St. George has hymnals available. Please contact New Promise at 435-628-9740 if you can use them.
93 copies of the Lutheran Book of Worship (LBW)
20 copies of With One Voice (WOV)
110+ copies of Gather
A variety of pews in a variety of sizes are available from Desert Cross Lutheran in Tempe. Contact the church if interested.
Read MoreA 58-inch conference table is available from All Saint's Lutheran in Phoenix. Please call Shari Clark, Parish Administrator at602-866-9191 ext. 103 if interested.
Read MoreDo you or your church need a piano? This piano is looking for a home. It needs to be tuned but is perfectly playable. It is free to anyone who is willing to pick it up! For questions or to claim, contact Pastor Sarah Stadler from Grace Lutheran Church, Phoenix at
Read MoreNew Journey Lutheran in Fountain Hills has five paraments available to any church in need of them. Contact the church if interested:
Read MoreLord of Grace Lutheran Church in Tucson is giving away 65 regular print NIV bibles and 35 large print NIV bibles, as well as a conference table (heavy table with a wobbly leg, will need reinforcement, 94” x144”).
Need to pick up in Tucson at Lord of Grace Lutheran Church. Office hours Monday-Friday, 9am to 1pm. Call Niki to work out the details. (520) 744-7400.
Read MoreOur Saviour’s Lutheran in Tucson has sanctuary furniture looking for a new home. All pieces are solid wood and in good condition, and include a communion table, pulpit and lectern, and oil lamp candles. Contact Pastor Amalia at Our Saviour's Lutheran for more information:
Read MoreCelebration Lutheran in Peoria has many items available for congregations. View the list in this post as well as many photos. If interested, please contact Dottie Anderson, 602-625-7859 or, who can arrange access to the church and help you “shop” through these resources.
Read MoreAs part of our move to a suite next door, we are making some furniture and equipment available on a first-come, first-served basis. Contact Theresa at the synod office if you have questions about the items and to arrange a pickup. While the items are free and we are happy to make space, donations can always be made on our web site.
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