Faith Lutheran Church in Phoenix is seeking a part-time Director of Music Ministries to serve as a worship leader and liturgist. This role includes organ and choir leadership for Sunday 9:00 a.m. liturgies and other seasonal services. Salary is $24,000 annually with four weeks of paid vacation. Contact Faith’s Church Office at 602-265-3394 or email for details.
Read MoreOn November 26, Faith / Le Fe and Mount of Olives Lutheran united to serve 148 families through the “Faith In Action Together” Thanksgiving outreach. Families received food boxes and a hot lunch, thanks to the efforts of over 40 volunteers. Read more for photos and to celebrate the power of walking together in Christ.
Read MoreTake a break from the season’s busyness to reflect on Advent’s hope and anticipation. Faith Lutheran Church in Phoenix invites you to a candlelit Service of Advent Lessons & Carols on Wednesday, December 18th, at 7:00 p.m. Experience scripture, song, and the timeless beauty of this cherished tradition. All are welcome!
Read MoreWe uplift and pray for Rev. Jonathan Linman, Rev. Verónica Alvarez and the people of Faith / La Fe Lutheran Church in Phoenix, part of the Capital Conference. Visit their site at
Read MoreYou are invited to join Faith/La Fe Evangelical Lutheran Church (801 East Camelback in Phoenix) for The Great Vigil of Easter at 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 30, 2024.
Gathering in the courtyard after sunset, the new fire will be lit and our new Paschal Candle will be blessed. If you've never experienced an Easter Vigil or it's been awhile, the richness of this liturgy one to attend. All are welcome!
Read MoreYou’re invited to a landmark ecumenical event celebrating the latest Lutheran-Catholic Dialogue on January 20, 2024, 10 am at Faith Lutheran in Phoenix. Join us to delve into "Faithful Teaching" and how it shapes our shared Christian journey. Reverend Dr. Lowell Almen and Bishop Denis Madden, co-chairs of the dialogue, will lead presentations, followed by a vibrant discussion with Lutheran and Catholic voices. The event will honor the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity with a Service of the Word and Prayer, culminating in a festive reception fostering communal dialogue. Read more in this post or this PDF flyer.
Please RSVP your intent to attend by January 12, 2023, giving your name and church affiliation, to and be a part of this momentous occasion.
Read MoreFaith/La Fe Lutheran Church (801 E Camelback Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85014) has collected another round of used items that need new homes throughout the community. Join us on Saturday, 10/21/2023 for sweet deal and tasty treats from 8am to 1pm.
Read MoreFaith Lutheran Preschool celebrated its 40th anniversary, highlighting its legacy of exceptional preschool education in central Phoenix. The community gathered to honor its founders, leaders, and the bond that ties the school and the congregation.
Read MoreAs Abounding Grace Lutheran Church in Tucson closed its doors, it opened its heart with a generous donation of resources to Faith/La Fe Lutheran Church in Phoenix, transported by the Grand Canyon Synod's new Interim Director of Evangelical Mission, Pastor James Dew. This act of generosity not only supports the growth of the Faith/La Fe community, but also helps connect much-needed vestments to clergy in South & Central America.
Read MorePastor Verónica Alvarez shares story of Faith/La Fe Lutheran Church in Phoenix for their annual report in this video.
Read MoreIn an effort to reduce paper usage for weekly worship bulletin production, Faith Lutheran in Phoenix, AZ is seeking unwanted Evangelical Lutheran Worship hymnals (the cranberry hymnal) from other congregations of the Grand Canyon Synod.
Read MoreUpdated hours: Faith/La Fa in Phoenix is holding a Rummage Sale on Saturday, January 28, 2023 from 8am to 1pm. There will be snacks, sales, and a sock & underwear drive for NAUM. Read the full post on how to donate and learn more.
Read MoreWe pray for Rev. Jonathan Linman, Rev. Verónica Alvarez, and the people of Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church in Phoenix, part of the Capital Conference. Visit their site at, and their social media pages on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram.
Read MoreThe Ordination and Installation of Verónica Alvarez as Associate Pastor of Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church/ Iglesia Evangélica Luterana La Fe (801 E. Camelback Rd., Phoenix, AZ 85014) will take place on Reformation Sunday, October 30, 2022 at 4pm with a reception following. Bishop Deborah Hutterer will preach and preside.
Alvarez is the first Grand Canyon Synod Diakonia graduate to be ordained. She graduated in May, 2022 from Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary.
Rostered ministers are invited to vest and be part of a procession. The color of the day will be red. Rostered ministers can send RSVPs to for further instruction around arrival time and where to meet.
Read MorePastor Jonathan Linman will be installed at Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church (801 East Camelback Road, Phoenix, AZ 85014) on Wednesday, 10/5/2022 at 6 pm with a reception following. Bishop Deborah Hutterer will preach.
Rostered ministers are invited to vest and be part of a procession. The color will be white for saints as we also commemorate Francis of Assisi on this day. Rostered ministers can send RSVPs to for further instruction around arrival time and where to meet.
Read MoreWe pray for Rev. Sarah Isakson and the people of Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church in Phoenix, part of the Capital Conference. Visit their site at, and their social media pages on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram.
Read MoreOn Tuesday, 11/2/2021, 3:30pm MST/PDT, join pastors and members of Reconciling In Christ (RIC) congregations in conversation about how we can show up for our LGBTQIA+ siblings, especially as Phoenix Pride draws nearer! To get the Zoom link, contact Carly Chamberlain at
Read MoreThis news story and video features Alama Cortes, Director at Faith Lutheran Preschool, sharing how hard it is to find help staffing the school. Watch and read here.
Read MoreAre you interested in learning more about what it means to be a Reconciling in Christ congregation? Are you already an RIC congregation, and looking for partnership, or other ways to share our RIC commitments?
Join our Zoom meeting on Tuesday, September 7 at 3:30pm MDT/PST! Contact Carly at to RSVP, and get the Zoom link!
Read MoreLeaders of Reconciling in Christ (RIC) congregations are joining together to find ways to show who we are, where we are, and what we believe. We joyfully affirm God's love, word, and grace for all of God's creation.
If you are interested in learning more about how RIC churches in our synod are spreading God's affirming gospel, join us at our next meeting on Tuesday, July 6 at 3:30pm MST/PDT. Contact Carly Chamberlain at for the Zoom Link.
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