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Submission Deadline for Lutherans Restoring Creation art contest

Art Contest Calls for Young Visionaries to Shape Our Environmental Future

In anticipation of the upcoming Youth and Young Adult Gathering in 2024, Lutherans Restoring Creation invites young artists to envision and create art that reflects a harmonious existence within God’s creation. The art contest, under the theme “A Better Future for Creation,” provides a platform for young Lutherans to express their hopes and dreams through visual art.

Key Details:

Theme: A Better Future for Creation

Eligibility: Youth (13-18 years) and Young Adults (18–35 years)

Submission Deadline: June 30, 2024

Submission Link: Submit Here

Participants are encouraged to use various artistic mediums to depict transformative visions of their communities or congregations. These representations should reflect a future where ecological stewardship and community cohesion thrive. Inspirational cues can be taken from the solarpunk movement, which combines ecological technology with hopeful and sustainable living scenarios.

Contest Instructions:

  • Create an original depiction of a hope-filled future using digital or physical collage techniques.

  • Utilize tools like Google Streetview for before images and graphic design tools for the reimagining process.

  • Artistic expression can include drawings on printed images of communities, enhancing them with elements like greenery or eco-friendly structures.

Exhibition and Awards:

All submissions will be showcased at the Lutherans Restoring Creation display during the Youth Gathering in New Orleans. The top four artworks will be transformed into postcards. These will be distributed to participants for sending to legislators, advocating for environmental justice and sustainable policy changes.

This contest values the creative process and encourages submissions from all skill levels. We look forward to seeing your creative interpretations and your contributions towards a sustainable and just future.