Lutherans Restoring Creation shares their April 2023 Good Green News, featuring: Keeping It Going Beyond Earth Day; the 4/22 Earth Day virtual service with Rev. Dr. R. Guy Erwin; and more.
Read MoreLutherans Restoring Creation shares their March 2023 Good Green News, featuring: Pollinator Pathways call on Tuesday March 28, 2023; Earth Day virtual service; Central states updates, and more.
Read MoreLutherans Restoring Creation shares their February 2023 Good Green News, featuring lead-free superheroes, Earth Day virtual service, and more.
Read MoreLutherans Restoring Creation shares their February 2023 Good Green News, featuring: The Ants & the Grasshopper Screening; Earth Day Virtual Service 4/23/2023; and upcoming connections calls Lead-Free Superhero, and Pollinator Projects.
Read MoreLutherans Restoring Creation shares their January 2023 Good Green News, featuring synod creation care teams, their just response team, and federal funding resources for houses of worship.
Read MoreLutherans Restoring Creation shares their Good Green News for December 2022, featuring their Actions Speak Loudly program, a call for Board of Directors nominations, and upcoming Connection Calls.
Read MoreLutherans Restoring Creation shares their Good Green News for November 2022, featuring gratitude, an urge to respond to the Climate Care message draft by December 2, 2022, and upcoming Connection Calls.
Read MoreRegister now for this Upcoming Connections Calls: Doctrine of Discovery's Roots in Climate Injustice, Tuesday, October 25th, 2022, 5pm MST/PDT, 6pm MDT.
They will watch Are We There Yet? together. We are fortunate to screen the 30-minute film and hear directly from its creators. Don't miss this - it will not be recorded. See trailer and register here.
Read MoreLutherans Restoring Creation will host a conversation with eco-theologian H. Paul Santmire regarding his newest book, EcoActivist Testament. September 27th, 2022, 5pm MST/PDT, 5pm MDT. Click here for more info, and click here to register.
In 1993, Paul was a main contributor to the ELCA's initial Social Statement regarding the Care of Creation.
Now we have a Social Message drafted for our review and comment: Earth's Climate Crisis. Please be sure to offer dedicated time in your church community to read and submit comments before 12/2/2022.
Lutherans Restoring Creation shares their September, 2022 Good Green News, which contains follows up on the Churchwide Assembly vote to take dedicated action to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, as well as the Inflation Reduction Act, promising the infrastructure to help us all work for a Just Transition to less harmful energy production and consumption.
View the newsletter here, as well as stories and resources that are shared in their variety of events and local ministries.
Read MoreClick here to read the Good Green News, from Lutherans Restoring Creation. Get info on upcoming connections calls, Churchwide Assembly actions, and more.
Read MoreEarth Day is Friday, April 22, 2022! We encourage you to review ELCA’s social statement on Caring for Creation (in English or Spanish), and visit the Environment Advocacy page and resource pages at And Lutherans Restoring Creation is a grassroots movement promoting care for creation in the ELCA.
Our friends at the Episcopal Diocese of Arizona have also compiled a great set of Earth Day events that you may interest you.
Read MoreThere are so many ways to be engaged in Spirit and Action for Earth Day! Lutherans Restoring Creation provides ideas and resources to celebrate as an individual, youth group, Bible study or whole congregation.
Read MoreAn online worship service for Earth Day (4/24/2022) is being finalized by Lutherans Restoring Creation and they are excited to share it with all. If you want to integrate it into your worship service be sure to register now as private/preview links will be sent soon. Click here to register.
They are honored to have the Rev. Dr. Carmelo Santos sharing the message of the day according to the Readings for April 24th. The service — in English, Spanish, and ASL — will be available to all via YouTube and Facebook starting Friday April 22, 2022.
Read MoreLutherans Restoring Creation share their Good Green Newsletter for October, 2021.
Their upcoming Connections Call is Tuesday, 11/23/2021 at 6pm MST, 5pm PST. The topic is Gratitude. Come to the “table” with what and who you are grateful for as we ready ourselves for the work ahead. Zoom link to use on 11/23.
Read MoreJoin the discussion on the next Connections Call sponsored by Lutherans Restoring Creation, which will advocate for the reduction of greenhouse gases for the health of all. Tuesday, 8/17/2021, 5 pm MST/PDT.
Join them as they discuss the development of a Sample Memorial to go to Churchwide Assembly 2022 asking our ELCA Advocacy office to specifically advocate that government leaders and public servants prioritize a reduction of greenhouse gases by 50% no later than 2030. More info here.
Read MoreHear as Deacon & Farmer, Sarah Bowers reflects on her experiences and come to the table with a story from your journey. Lutherans Restoring Creation Connections Call: July 15, 2021, 5pm MST/PDT. Sign up for their Good Green News emails to receive the zoom link or come back to this post to see the recording by July 17th.
Read MoreBishop Eaton offered the sermon for Lutherans Restoring Creation’s Good Shepherd Sunday service in celebration of Earth Day 2021. She also accepted our request to take some follow-up questions collected by the network.
Here are portions of their time with her that we encourage you to share with your congregation as these are questions we are all meant to wrestle with.
Read MoreLutherans Restoring Creation provides five ways congregations and individuals can participate in Earth Day.
Read MoreFor Earth Day April 25, 2021, Lutherans Restoring Creation is preparing a gorgeous program of liturgy, visual journeys, musical offerings, insights and inspiration. Bishop Elizabeth Eaton will be delivering the sermon. More info here.
Be sure to register and receive a link to download the service a week prior to the live presentation on April 25th (Good Shepherd Sunday). The entire worship service will also be offered via our YouTube and Facebook channels live that day.
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