We pray for Rev. Christine Stoxen and the people of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Chandler, part of the Fiesta Conference. Visit their site at htlutheran.com/, and their social media pages on Facebook and YouTube.
Read MorePastor Christine Stoxen, with Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Chandler, writes to share that church’s commemoration of deaths during the pandemic using origami cranes made by member Ai Maruyama. Any congregation who would like origami cranes for commemoration can contact the church for more info.
Read MoreAs we wrap up 2020, we highlight asubmission to the 2020 Generosity Film Festival.
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Chandler, Arizona, shares a story of generosity in the form of a music video. This video won awards for Best Neighborly Generosity Story and a technical award for Best of Music and Score.
Read MoreCharles Zoll, Music Director with Holy Trinity in Chandler, shares a music video of congregants helping neighbors during the shelter in place order. Watch at youtu.be/O-ETLui0EOs.
Read MoreOn April 26, 2020, the Grand Canyon Synod was awarded $10,000 from the ELCA’s COVID-19 Response Fund to assist GCS Native American and Latino ministries with food, water and basic hygiene items.
On April 28, Bishop Deborah Hutterer shared this good news and issued a challenge to match this amount for even greater impact. As of this writing, we have exceeded the initial challenge by $3,700, raising $13,700 in one week. We celebrate the generosity of this synod.
Additional gifts from congregations and individuals can still be made to this appeal through online giving or checks with the designation of GCS Daily Bread Grants. Grateful for how God does good through you.
Read MoreOn this 10-day exploration, you will walk in the footsteps of Jesus from the northern parts of the Galilee – Tel Dan, Caesarea Philippi – to the area around the Sea of Galilee to Bethlehem, Jericho, and Jerusalem. Pastor Christine Stoxen, Holy Trinity Chandler, will be leading this tour next year. For more information and a detailed itinerary contact Cheryl Jones, Departures, 480-830-8822.
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