Posts in Global Church
SOFIA: A Kin*dom for Everyone

As part of the latest Stories of Faith in Action, we share a story about the “kin∙dom community,” an ecumenical partnership between the ELCA Northern Texas-Northern Louisiana Synod and the Presbyterian Church (USA) (view online or as PDF). When Pepa Paniagua felt called to a job that didn’t exist, she set about creating it. What resulted was the “kin∙dom community,” a new approach to a term adopted nearly 40 years ago.

View all the Stories of Faith in Action here, and how your offering becomes mission support.

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SOFIA: Lutheran Church of Rwanda hopes new seminary can support growing faith

As part of the latest Stories of Faith in Action, we share a story about the Lutheran Church of Rwanda (view online or as PDF). The ongoing construction of Rwanda’s first Lutheran seminary is sparking excitement among church leaders, but with an important government deadline looming, that excitement has been coupled with anxiety.

View all the Stories of Faith in Action here, and how your offering becomes mission support.

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11th Asian Lutheran International Conference held

The 11th Asian Lutheran International Conference (ALIC) was held in Chiang Rai, Thailand, Jan. 12-17, with the theme “Comfort, Comfort My People: Prophetic Justice and Healing.” Sivin Kit, Lutheran World Federation interim director for the Department for Theology, Mission and Justice, spoke to this theme by asking, “Have we lost touch with the experience of pain and suffering in our churches and our world?”

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Bishop Eaton and Abrahamic Leaders Condemn Anti-Christian Hate in the Holy Land

​We stand together as Jewish, Christian and Muslim leaders in the United States to condemn the recent rise in anti-Christian hate in the Holy Land, including the vandalism of a Protestant cemetery on Jan. 1, and graffiti threatening "Death to Christians" that appeared last week both in and near the Armenian quarter in Jerusalem.

These and other actions taken to erase the presence of Christians in the Holy Land, which would be devastating to us all. May the God of Abraham, Sarah and Hagar comfort our Christian siblings in the place we all believe is holy and give us courage as we speak with one voice against religious bigotry.

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ELCJHL Women’s Ordination Short Documentary

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land (ELCJHL) is making history by ordaining the first woman pastor in Palestine. Listen to local scholars and clergy, as well as international partners to the church, discuss the cultural significance of this event, as well as its theological and biblical importance.

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Watch the Ordination of Sally Azar

Click here to watch the livestream of the Ordination of Sally Azar at Lutheran Church of the Redeemer in Jerusalem, February 22, 2023, 6am MST, 5am PST. The same link will show a replay of the service after it has ended.

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land will ordain Ms. Sally Azar to be a Reverend in the church, becoming the first female pastor in Palestine.

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Bishop Eaton statement on the ordination of the first female Palestinian pastor in the Holy Land

On Sunday the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land (ELCJHL) will for the first time ordain a woman into pastoral ministry, Sally Azar. I invite you to join in the celebration by watching this short documentary about what women’s ordination means for the ELCJHL, and the livestream of the ordination service, which will begin at 7 a.m. Central time. 

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The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2023

Join Bishop Hutterer along with other Arizona judicatory heads for the statewide celebration of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (WPCU) 2023. This Prayer Service will be held Friday, January 20, 2023 to celebrate the Annual WPCU, and we are delighted to welcome everyone back to our first in-person gathering in 3 years.

Arizona’s statewide gathering for the celebration will take place at 6:00 p.m. Friday, January 20, 2023, at Phillips Memorial Christian Methodist Episcopal Church, 1401 E. Adams St., Phoenix, AZ 85034.

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