Bishop Eaton and Abrahamic Leaders Condemn Anti-Christian Hate in the Holy Land

​We stand together as Jewish, Christian and Muslim leaders in the United States to condemn the recent rise in anti-Christian hate in the Holy Land, including the vandalism of a Protestant cemetery on Jan. 1, and graffiti threatening "Death to Christians" that appeared last week both in and near the Armenian quarter in Jerusalem.

These and other actions taken to erase the presence of Christians in the Holy Land, which would be devastating to us all. May the God of Abraham, Sarah and Hagar comfort our Christian siblings in the place we all believe is holy and give us courage as we speak with one voice against religious bigotry.

The Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton
Presiding Bishop
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

His Eminence Archbishop Vicken Aykazian
Diocesan Legate and Director of the Ecumenical Office
Diocese of the Armenian Church of America

Rabbi Rick Jacobs
Union for Reform Judaism

Imam Saffet Catovic
Head of Islamic Society of North America
Office for Interfaith Alliances, Community Alliances, and Government Relations