Posts in Bishop Eaton
Bishop Eaton statement concerning Jenin incursions

​As presiding bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, I join my colleague, the Rev. Dr. Sani Ibrahim Azar, bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land, in being "deeply dismayed at the ongoing Israeli military incursions into Palestinian communities, especially in the city and refugee camp of Jenin."  

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ELCA-LIRS World Refugee Day letter from Bishop Eaton and Krish O'Mara Vignarajah

In honor of World Refugee Day on June 20, the ELCA and LIRS advocacy networks invite their members to a national day of advocacy, intended to build urgency for robust support for refugees, immigrants, asylum seekers. We urge all to learn more about refugee admissions in the United States, join LIRS's 125 Watch campaign, accompany migrants through AMMPARO, and advocate through prayer and action for our neighbors in need.

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Emanuel 9 Remembrance | Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton & Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie

In remembrance of the martyrdom of the Emanuel 9, ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton and National Council of Churches President and General Secretary, Bishop Vashti McKenzie, urge us to study, pray and act so that we can make a real difference in our communities and country to end the scourge of racial, economic, and social injustice and violence. For more info, go to: and

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Bishop Eaton's letter to the Grand Canyon Synod Assembly

For our 2023 synod assembly, Bishop Elizabeth Eaton invites us to join the church on a future-focused journey to widen our welcome and break down the barriers that keep people from engaging with the church. Together, we can help people experience the difference God’s grace and love in Christ make for all people and creation. View in this post, or read as a PDF in English or Spanish.

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Bishop Eaton: Let's observe Holy Week

We’ve entered Holy Week, and Bishop Eaton hopes and prays that we will not skip from the hosannas of Palm Sunday right to the hallelujahs of Easter Sunday. It’s important, as we travel through this week, to see not only incredible sacrifice and love that God has shown us in Jesus Christ, but all of the human condition that comes out during this week.

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Bishop Eaton: Who is my neighbor? | Transgender Day of Visibility 2023

The Great Commandment calls us to love our neighbor as ourself, and God teaches us to honor every person’s dignity. On Transgender Day of Visibility, Bishop Eaton affirms that transgender and nonbinary siblings are children of God, created in God’s image, who are embraced in God’s unconditional love. We stand together, advocating for the full humanity and dignity of all people.

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Bishop Eaton Issues Statement on Anti-Transgender Legislation

As we approach March 31, many people are preparing to recognize Transgender Day of Visibility, an international day to celebrate the contributions of transgender people and raise awareness about the deadly injustices they face.

As bishop of this church, I am concerned that the rights of transgender and nonbinary Americans have been targeted all over this nation.

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ELCA bishops celebrate our women leaders

In observance of International Women’s Day, ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton, along with the Rev. Patricia Davenport, bishop of the ELCA Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod and the Rev. Brenda Bos, bishop of the ELCA Southwest California Synod, celebrate and recognize the women leaders in our global Lutheran community. for more info.

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Bishop Eaton: A pastoral message in support of our Jewish neighbors

For many months we have seen an alarming spike in anti-Jewish, anti-Muslim and white supremacist hate. It has been reported that extremist groups are planning a national "Day of Hate" tomorrow, targeting Jews. This evening, as the sun sets and Shabbat begins, our Jewish neighbors are living in fear.

As Christians, we are called to love our neighbors and to be peacemakers.

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Bishop Eaton: A Statement on the Killing of Tyre Nichols

As the nation watches another video exposing police violence against a Black man after a traffic stop, there will be great suffering and despair emerging from across the United States. In just over a week we have witnessed mass gun violence in California – twice – and the shooting of a protester at a future police training site in Atlanta.  Each of these tragedies inspires grief, not only for the lives lost and forever altered but also for our loss of confidence in a system that continues to fail us, over and over.

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Bishop Eaton and Abrahamic Leaders Condemn Anti-Christian Hate in the Holy Land

​We stand together as Jewish, Christian and Muslim leaders in the United States to condemn the recent rise in anti-Christian hate in the Holy Land, including the vandalism of a Protestant cemetery on Jan. 1, and graffiti threatening "Death to Christians" that appeared last week both in and near the Armenian quarter in Jerusalem.

These and other actions taken to erase the presence of Christians in the Holy Land, which would be devastating to us all. May the God of Abraham, Sarah and Hagar comfort our Christian siblings in the place we all believe is holy and give us courage as we speak with one voice against religious bigotry.

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Bishop Eaton statement on the ordination of the first female Palestinian pastor in the Holy Land

On Sunday the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land (ELCJHL) will for the first time ordain a woman into pastoral ministry, Sally Azar. I invite you to join in the celebration by watching this short documentary about what women’s ordination means for the ELCJHL, and the livestream of the ordination service, which will begin at 7 a.m. Central time. 

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Hard and holy work of depolarization

“When we talk to someone who shares the same Christian faith, but has a different set of political beliefs or convictions, it can be uncomfortable, or frustrating, and sometimes even scary. As members of the ELCA, we believe that we can have different political opinions but be of the same faith,” asserts Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton in her November 2, 2022 video addressing Christian Nationalism. 

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