Mental health struggles are rising, but as a church, we can respond with faith, care, and action. Explore a free study guide from Living Lutheran to learn about mental illness, break stigma, and discuss how congregations can offer support. Download the resource here: Mental Health Study Guide.
Read MoreEquip yourself with faith-based tools to navigate mental health challenges in our communities. God and Mental Health Challenges, a free Faith+Lead course available through November 28, explores how faith shapes our response to mental health struggles, offers practical caregiving strategies, and helps break down stigmas. Learn more and register today:
Read MoreIn her message addressing mental health, Bishop Eaton stresses that “telling someone they aren’t doing enough to be happy creates a stigma that they are not living correctly… it’s important that we, as the body of Christ, provide compassionate support for those in our families and in our communities who are living with mental illness. God loves us all; no matter how we are coping, we are not alone, God is with us.”
Read MoreSherry Bryant's personal tragedy led her on a mission for suicide prevention and mental health awareness. Discover her journey in this article from Living Lutheran and the church's pivotal role in fostering understanding and support.
Read MorePresiding Bishop Eaton reminds us that in the ELCA’s social message “The Body of Christ and Mental Health” we are called to companionship. “For those who are living with mental illness, we see you. We stand with you, ready to listen and support you in your struggles, through good days and bad.”
Read MoreMay is Mental Health Awareness Month and Bishop Eaton reminds us that caring for our mental health is not a sign of weakness, it’s a sign of courage, faithfulness and hope.