Reflecting on the early church, Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton writes: “They were one body. We are one body. We are the body of Christ.” Despite cultural and political differences, she reminds us that we can’t dissolve this bond. Read her September column for Living Lutheran in English at and in Spanish at
Read MoreELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton and other members of the Circle of Protection coalition met Thursday, Sept. 22, 2021, with senior officials at the White House. The Circle of Protection letter, including the full list of signers, can be read here.
Eaton and other heads of Christian denominations and organizations are working together to urge passage of the economic bills the U.S. Congress is considering now, along with voting rights legislation this fall. Thursday's meeting focuses on the family support bill currently being debated in Congress.
Read MoreBishop Eaton invites us to an online benefit for ELCA World Hunger, Thursday, Oct. 14, 5:30 p.m. MST/PDT, via Zoom. Register here.
Join Bishop Eaton and Rick Steves, guidebook author and travel TV host, as they celebrate World Food Day!
Read MorePresiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton encourages us to celebrate and pray for the new bishops being installed in our region and throughout America.
Read MoreAs we observe the 20th anniversary of the September 11, 2001, tragedies, Bishop Eaton invites us to remember, reflect and pray. Let us never forget the many lives lost or that many still carry the burdens of grief, trauma, and illness. As we remember the trauma of 9/11 and its aftermath, may we reflect on and hold fast to the promise that God has given us a future of hope.
Read MoreAs this time of pandemic carries on, sometimes it’s easy to forget that we’re still living through something major and global. In the midst of anxiety and fear, Bishop Eaton shares the words of Jesus, “Come to me, all you that are weary and carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.”
Read MoreFor nearly a century, Lutherans have been helping to resettle those fleeing harm. As we pray for Afghanistan, we are called to support those arriving in the U.S. by becoming a part of the long welcome for these families.
Support LIRS’ Neighbors in Need: Afghan Allies fund, which will provide food, housing assistance, clothing, and other basic needs for our Afghan friends as they await the official services available to them by visiting
Read MoreDuring this week of devastating news, Bishop Eaton encourages us to take a brief pause in silence, that we may be able to hear the voices of those affected by tragedy, listen for God, and respond to suffering in our world.
Read MoreIn her August column in Living Lutheran, Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton writes: “This is the faith which declares that through pandemics, droughts, floods, famines, deadly bigotry, war, all the death-dealing things in nature and the human heart, life—the abundant life that Jesus promises—will prevail. Plant something in the summer.” Read her column in English at and in Spanish at
Read MoreEspecially as temperatures and wildfires are soaring all over the country, it is clear that our climate crisis is reaching a tipping point. Our Christian call and vocation include caring for creation, and Bishop Eaton encourages us to find ways to be part of the solution to this dire situation. Start with a read or re-read of the ELCA Social Statement, Caring for Creation: Vision, Hope and Justice.
Read MoreJust as the Olympians are surrounded by family, friends, mentors, and entire countries, we too are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses. This week, Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton encourages us to "run like the wind."
Read MoreOn Sunday, Sept. 12, 2021, congregations of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America will join together for “God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday.
Bishop Eaton invites your congregation to join this annual day of service and celebrate who we are as the ELCA ― one church, freed in Christ to love and serve our neighbor. Learn more and plan your day at
Read MoreJesus taught us that when we welcome the stranger as a person made in God's image, we also welcome God. Our lives, ministries and congregations have been blessed by many immigrants and refugees over the years — from many of our ancestors to those we welcome among us today.
Read MoreAs cases of the Delta variant of COVID-19 increase, it may seem like we are in a never-ending wilderness. Bishop Eaton reminds us of the exodus of God’s people, who wandered in the wilderness for forty years searching for the land that God had promised them. God never left them, and God has not left us.
Read MoreWe’re excited to share updates on our 2021 Bishop’s Fall Gathering, as we gather under the theme: The Power of Story. We have hotel reservation info for our October 18-20, 2021 event at All Saints Lutheran Church in Phoenix. Registration is $50.
All active rostered ministers or retired ministers serving as interim pastors are invited to this gathering which will include ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton, Rev. Roberto Federico Trejo Haager, Pastor President of Iglesia Luterana Mexicana, and Ryan Panzer, author of Grace and Gigabytes. More info on our web page.
Read MoreThis week, Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton reminds us that peace is not the absence of struggle or strife, but the complete presence of a loving God.
Read MoreAs an avid gardener, Bishop Eaton admits that tending a garden isn’t easy work. But she reminds us that gardening is fundamental to our whole understanding of God tending this good, green earth.
Read MoreAs we look to the future of the ELCA and invite new people to know Jesus, Bishop Eaton asks, “how would you describe what it means to be a Lutheran Christian?”
Read MoreThis week, Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton introduces us to some of our Lutheran family from across the globe.
Read MoreAs children of God, we give thanks for all of the LGBTQIA+ people who experience God's calling to the holy work of parenting. In particular response to the June 17 Supreme Court ruling on Fulton v. City of Philadelphia, the ELCA stands with our LGBTQIA+ siblings in Christ and reaffirms our commitment to equal protection, opportunities and responsibilities under the law (Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust, p. 33).
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