Growing Generosity Appeal receives $281,656 in gifts and pledges
As part of the Synod Council and Bishop Report of our 2021 Assembly, Bishop Deborah Hutterer shared some exciting news about our new appeal, Growing Generosity. We are already over halfway to our $500,000 goal, with $281,656 in gifts and pledges!
With a 100% participation rate from the Growing Generosity leadership team, Synod Council, and Office of the Bishop staff, we have already received leadership gifts from three congregations: New Promise Lutheran Church in St. George, UT; Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church in Tucson; and Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in Paradise Valley. Read her report below and learn how you can join us in growing generosity in our synod.
In a report from our 2021 Assembly, Bishop Hutterer shared…
As we emerge from the 2020 pandemic, we plainly see the people of the Grand Canyon Synod were more than faithful in their response to our work together.
We have seen God’s abundance, and this has been shared for the benefit of our people and the church at-large.
However, there is much more that we could do together that would benefit God’s church, our congregations, our pastors, and all of us as individuals. We have an opportunity to plant seeds for a new generation.
In the spirit of strengthening and expanding our mutual ministries, the synod council engaged the services of Pastor Len Hoffmann, who conducted a feasibility study of how our synod could grow in generosity.
Based on his recommendations, the Council agreed to engage in an appeal we are calling Growing Generosity. Led by Myrna Wells-Ulland, the leadership team of the Growing Generosity Appeal includes Mark Engel, Brian Flatgard, Pat Gary, Pr. Len Hoffman, Laura Musfeldt, Mark Myers, Carol Paulsen, Terri Polk, Pr. Christine Stoxen, and Theresa Thornburgh.
With a goal to raise $500,000 for new growth in our synod, we are excited today to debut this video about our Growing Generosity Appeal.
For many of you, this may be your first news of Growing Generosity. I trust you are excited about this appeal as everyone else is when they hear about it.
As part of sharing that story of excitement, I am pleased to announce that we have 100% participation in gifts and pledges from our entire Growing Generosity Leadership Team, all serving members of the Grand Canyon Synod Council, and every member of the Office of the Bishop staff.
In addition, we have already received leadership gifts from three congregations:
$10,000 from New Promise Lutheran Church in St. George, UT;
$50,000 from Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church in Tucson; and
$100,000 from Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in Paradise Valley.
After the sale of their property, Pastor Brent Maxwell said,
“We want the Synod to know that we are not closed. We have been invited into a new chapter of ministry with Palo Cristi Presbyterian Church. Our church council made the decision to share a portion of our proceeds from the property so we can offer seeds to new opportunities.”
Growing Generosity $500,000 Appeal
- $281,656 Pledged & Gifted
- $218,344 Remaining
- $281,656 Pledged & Gifted
- $218,344 Remaining
With the generous gifts of those congregations and the participation of leadership and others, through gifts large and small, we are blessed to say we are already over halfway to our goal with $281,656 in gifts and pledges.
To those of you have already responded to this opportunity by submitting a pledge form or providing a gift, we give you thanks.
For those of you who want to be part of this appeal, you can learn more about Growing Generosity on our website, We’ll also be sharing updates as we move through this three-year appeal.
When we gather together next year, I am hopeful we will announce we have exceeded our $500,000 goal.
We are better together as we join the Growing Generosity Appeal and accomplish “more than we can ask or imagine.” (Ephesians 3:20)
As we conclude the Synod Council and Bishop report, I hope you hear and see that there is much for us to celebrate together. I hope you are ready for the work to be done as move into God’s next.
Thank you for your commitment to our life together. Thank you for the ways we will together be part of the story as we communicate Jesus, connect people, and create possibilities.
“…more than we can ask or imagine…”