2022 La Sagrada Familia assembly report
2022 Assembly Reports:
View reports for our 2022 assembly on our assembly report page and in this collection of blog posts.
In this report, La Sagrada Familia in Phoenix updates us on their expansion of their youth and women’s ministries, made possible partially with help from a Grand Canyon Synod Grant.
The grant fund has been used for our Ministries. Our Youth Ministry & Women’s Ministry. Buying utilities, they might need, projects that they have had. Our Ministries bought T-shirts that represent their Ministry. Both Ministries have been helping in any event our congregation has had.
Our mission for these two Ministries is to teach and spread the Lords word. Read the Bible, teach young children the Lords word and how to read the Bible. As they learn, they will and can teach others. This is why I think we are in the right path because our Youth are learning and they are teaching each other. Having discussion questions with one another.