ELCA Mission Support thanks you for your generosity
We share a letter from the directors of ELCA Mission Support about the inspiration to be found in Stories of Faith in Action.
Through your generosity, God is at work across the ELCA.
Victoria Flood, Director, and Nick Kiger, Associate Director, ELCA Mission Support
Dear friend in Christ,
What a year this has been! We are so grateful for the ongoing work of this church. More than ever, we need stories of hope as we do God’s work in the world — together. We are pleased to share with you the latest issue of “Stories of Faith in Action,” filled with inspiring stories from this past year. Consider this insight from “Many Ways to Be Connected”:
“The pandemic was a stark illustration of the fact that the church is not a building,” said Sandra Rudd, pastor of Sitka (Alaska) Lutheran Church. “A lot of people say that, but we didn’t fully know it until we didn’t have a building to use. We learned that there are many ways to be connected as the church.”
“Stories of Faith in Action” connects us as church and illustrates how, through your generosity, God is at work across the ELCA. It highlights how a portion of your offering, called Mission Support, advances the ministry of our church, helping the ELCA nurture Christian community, raise up leaders, serve our neighbors and strive for justice. Most importantly, it’s one way to thank you for your faithful generosity to your congregation, your synod and the churchwide organization — by showing your offering at work. Dive into the latest issue, which is now available in its digital edition and includes:
A special message from ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton.
Nine inspiring stories from around the country and the world.
Your 2020 financial report on Mission Support — the portion of your offering your congregation shares with your synod, and your synod shares with the churchwide organization.
A story-based devotional for use at Bible studies or committee meetings.
Additionally, you can visit ELCA.org/SOFIA today to download additional resources related to this publication, including a high resolution PDF for printing.
In closing, we prayerfully release this issue of “Stories of Faith in Action” to you as a sign of our appreciation. May it give you hope, inspire new ministry and remind you of your connectedness as a beloved member of this church. We are grateful for the story God is writing in our hearts as we help more people know the way of Jesus and discover community, justice and love. Thank you for your generosity!
Victoria Flood, Director, and Nick Kiger, Associate Director, ELCA Mission Support