We uplift and pray for Rev. Greg Hartman and the people of New Spirit Lutheran Church in Tucson, part of the Kino Conference.
Read MoreJoin New Spirit Lutheran Church in Tucson on February 16th to hear Shane Claiborne, renowned author, speaker, and activist. Worship begins at 10:00 AM, followed by fellowship, a bring-your-own lunch, and Shane’s presentation, “What to Do About Poverty,” at 1:00 PM. View PDF flyer here. Together, let’s explore how faith can inspire action against poverty.
Read MoreNew Spirit Lutheran Church in Tucson shares a video of their Blessings in a Backpack program for their annual report to the assembly.
Read MoreFor our 2023 synod assembly, New Spirit Lutheran Church in Tucson shares their story of feeding 325 children for 38 weeks of the most recent school year.
Read MoreFor our 2023 synod assembly, New Spirit Lutheran Church in Tucson shares their story of feeding 325 children for 38 weeks of the most recent school year.
Read MoreWe pray for Rev. Greg Hartman and the people of New Spirit Lutheran Church in Tucson, part of the Kino Conference. Visit their site at newspiritlutherantucson.org, and their Facebook page.
Read MorePastor Greg Hartman will be installed at New Spirit Lutheran in Tucson on Saturday, 9/10/2022, at 11am MST/PDT, 12pm MDT. Rostered ministers are invited to process: color of the day is green. Bishop Hutterer will be preaching. A reception will follow.
Read MoreNew Spirit Lutheran in Tucson shares two videos for their annual report, one for their Blessings in a Backpack program, and one for their Homeless Blessings program, both made possible partially with help from a Grand Canyon Synod Grant.
Read MoreWe pray for Rev. Carol Breimeier, Rev. Fred Nelson, and the people of New Spirit Lutheran Church in Tucson, part of the Sunrise Conference. Visit their site at newspiritlutherantucson.org and their Facebook page.
Read MoreNew Spirit Lutheran Church in Tucson is seeking a musician with a strong singing voice, an engaging personality, experience working with a band, and familiarity with Christian contemporary music for a part-time (8-12 hours/week) position as Worship Leader.
Read MoreWe pray for Rev. Carol Breimeier, Rev. Fred Nelson, and the people of New Spirit Lutheran Church in Tucson, part of the Sunrise Conference. Visit their site at newspiritlutherantucson.org, and their social media pages on Facebook page.
Read MoreCathy Cermak, with New Spirit Lutheran in Tucson, shares this story of ELCA World Hunger Daily Bread Grants being added to New Spirit’s work to feed 24 students for a year through Blessings in a Backpack.
Read MoreWe pray for Rev. Alan Field, whose final Sunday at New Spirit, Tucson, was this 6th Sunday of Easter. After nearly 35 years of service, Pastor Field is retiring.
Gracious God, we thank you for the work and witness of your servant Alan, who has enriched this community and brought gladness to friends and family. Now bless and preserve him at this time of transition. Day by day, guide him and give him what is needed, friends to cheer his way, and a clear vision of that to which you are now calling him. By your Holy Spirit be present in his pilgrimage, that he may travel with the one who is the way, the truth, and the life, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Read MoreWe pray for Pastor Alan Field and the congregation of New Spirit Lutheran Church in Tucson.
We lift up the charter ministry team leaders: Altar Care, Bob Daliege; Audio Visual, Don Austin, Ken Dobbs, Shelley Colwell; Budget & Finances, Terry Wolfe; Building & Grounds, Ken Dobbs, John Lukecart, Don Crow; Columbarium/Memorial Garden, Jeremy Kwapich; Endowment Board, Don Austin, Edna Walton, Brenda Feller; Memorial Committee, Judy McFarland; Missions and Service, Judy McFarland, Sharon Dobbs, Craig Geiger; Prayer Chain email/telephone, Brenda Feller/Ellie Thompson, Barb Verthein; SOS, Gloria Burke; WELCA, Joyce Dow.
We pray for the the church council: President David Grundstrom; Vice President Jenny Kwapich, Secretary Shelley Colwell; Treasurer Terry Wolfe, President Ex-Officio: Susan Armstrong; Members at Large Laurie Bernard, Amber Uidenich, Martin Mosthaff, Brigitte Stuetze, Deloris Hanneman, and Renee Geiger.
Read MoreCongrats to New Spirit Lutheran Church, Tucson, and All Saints Lutheran Church, Phoenix!
Recipients of the Servant of Christ Award from Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest, they have truly shown the love of our Savior and embodied the mission of Lutheran Social Services—showing kindness, doing justice, and serving those in need.
Read MoreGod often surprises me. I believe it was Anne Lamott who said, “God can be such a showoff.” Indeed.
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