2024 Grand Canyon Synod Assembly Summary
“For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.”
The Grand Canyon Synod Assembly convened Thursday through Saturday, June 13–15, 2024, at Love of Christ Lutheran Church in Mesa under the theme, “Embody the Word.”
You can view photos of the assembly here, and watch the entire assembly here.
The Assembly was led by Bishop Deborah K. Hutterer, who was reelected for another term. Key leadership included Barbara B. Carl (Vice President), Rev. Stephen Springer (Secretary), Mr. Erik Rehms (Treasurer), and Rev. David Brandfass (Parliamentarian).
Special guests included Bishop Jim Gonia from the Rocky Mountain Synod, Dr. Colleen Windham-Hughes, (Associate Vice President for Mission and Identity at California Lutheran University), Rev. Dr. Toni Hawkins (Transitional Conference Minister from the Southwest Conference of the United Church of Christ), and Chaplain Captain Matthew W. Dobyns from the United States Air Force.
Deacon John Weit, Executive for Worship at the ELCA and our churchwide representative, guided us through our Bishop Election and provided updates from churchwide on Saturday morning.
We began our celebrations with Wild Life, a hymn festival organized by Deacon Lorraine S. Brugh and Deacon Kate Adelman, on Thursday evening.
After opening with a land acknowledgment, receiving greetings from Rev. Roberto Trejo Haager, Pastor President of the Mexican Lutheran Church (Iglesia Luterana Mexicana, ILM), and adopting the rules of procedure and the agenda, Deacon Weit introduced us to the bishop election process and guided us through our first ballot vote, which reelected Bishop Hutterer.
Friday morning was the first of two worship services, where Rev. Dr. Toni Hawkins delivered the sermon.
After worship we received a financial report from Erik Rehms, then voted for the following conference representatives on the synod council:
Lynn Davis, High Country Conference
Jeffrey Michaels, Rio Salado Conference
Rev. Christopher Heller, Fiesta Conference
Roger Bailey with the nominating committee gave his report on elections for synod council, the Committee on Discipline, and representatives to the 2025 Churchwide Assembly.
Results for those elections were as follows:
At-Large Synod Council Representatives
At-Large Representative, Lay Female
Taylor Welch
At-Large Representative, Lay Male
Mark Myers
At-Large Representative, Rostered Minister male
Pr. David Pavesic
At-Large Representative, Rostered Minister female
Pr. Nanette Christofferson
Pr. Lourdes Olson
At-Large Representative, Person of Color or English as a 2nd language (any gender)
Pr. Verónica Alvarez
Youth representative (any gender)
Layra Siqueiros
Young adult representative (any gender)
Hannah Manzanares
Committee on Discipline
Discipline Committee (Rostered Leader)
Pr. Mary Louise Frenchman
Pr. Tina Mills
Pr. Lourdes Olson
Pr. David Pavesic
Discipline Committee (Layperson)
Mark Myers
Churchwide Assembly Voting Members
Rostered Leader (any gender)
Pr. Amalia Vagts
Rostered Leader of Color or English as a 2nd language (any gender)
Pr. Veronica Alvarez
Lay Person of Color or English as a 2nd language (any gender)
Peter Garang
Patterson Yazzie
Lay youth/young adult (any gender)
Hannah Manzanares
Layra Siqueiros
Lay male or other except female
Mark Myers
Lay Female or other except male
Kathye Hamm
After lunch we received a presentation on the 2025/2026 Mission Plan, and had a wonderful Bible study with Rev. Dr. Colleen Windham-Hughes, CLU.
Recognitions and celebrations
We recognized a number of important milestones and anniversaries at our assembly.
Congregation milestones
25 years
Lord of Grace Lutheran in Tucson, Arizona
New Promise Lutheran in St. George, Utah
Spirit of Grace Lutheran in Surprise, Arizona
50 years
Tanque Verde Lutheran in Tucson, Arizona
75 years
American Evangelical Lutheran in Tucson, Arizona
First Evangelical Lutheran in Mesa, Arizona
Newly ordained
Rev. Judi Tyler, 1/21/2024
Rev. Luis Ochoa, 1/21/2023
Rev. Daniel Potaznick, 3/18/2023
Rev. Timothy Perlick, 5/13/2023
Rev. Wyatt Linde, 8/9/2023
Rev. Glenn Schrader, 10/22/2023
Rev. Lourdes Olson, 1/15/2022
Rev. Katie Langston, 2/4/2022
Rev. Verónica Alvarez ,10/30/2022
Newly called and change in call
Rev. Wyatt Linde– Resurrection, Oro Valley 8/9/2023
Rev. Charles Newman– King of Glory, Tempe 9/1/2023
Rev. Kaila Armbruster– Crossroads, San Tan, 9/6/2023
Rev. Kenneth Miller– Grace, Kingman – 9/8/2023
Rev. Matthew Metevelis– Nathan Adelson Hospice, 9/23/2023
Rev. Carl Sirotzki– Mount Cross, Payson, 10/2/2023
Rev. Glenn Schrader– Our Savior’s, Tucson, 10/22/2023
Rev. Joshua Pontious– Community of Grace, Peoria, 10/22/2023
Rev. David Sivecz– Grace, Phoenix, 12/1/2023
Rev. Arhiana Shek-Dill– University Lutheran, Tempe – 1/1/2024
Rev. Kurt Fangmeier– Sierra Evangelical, Sierra Vista, 2/1/2024
Rev. Judi Tyler– Our Savior’s, Phoenix, 1/21/2024
Rev. Douglas Dill– Mountain View Lutheran, 2/20/2024 (interim)
Rev. Amy Janssen– Tanque Verde, 2/25/2024
Rev. Christopher Heller– Esperanza, 2/26/2024
Rev. John Hackler– Lord of Life, SCW, 3/1/2024 (bridge pastor)
Rev. Carol George– Resurrection, Oro Valley, 4/8/2024
Rev. Lisa Hackler– American, Sun City, 6/1/2024
5 years
Rev. Nanette Christofferson
Rev. Greg Hartman
Rev. Erin Morris
10 years
Rev. Jason Adams
Rev. Melinda Gapen
15 years
Rev. Adam Barnhart
Rev. Thaddeus Book
Rev. Steven Crittenden
Rev. Miguel Gomez-Acosta
Rev. Naomi Hartman
Rev. Jose Valenzuela
20 years
Rev. Rebecca Boardman
Rev. Deborah Hutterer
Rev. Scott Klimke
Rev. Kenneth Miller
25 years
Rev. Karn Carroll
Rev. Joseph Doherty
Rev. Carol George
Rev. Hildegardo González Gómez
Rev. Lars Hammar
Rev. Jeffrey Solheim
30 years
Rev. Barbara Bengtson
Rev. Timothy Brown
Rev. Michael Sager
35 years
Rev. Scott Hackler
Rev. Paul Hansen
Rev. Daniel Hoeger
Rev. Jonathan Linman
Rev. Janet Richardson
Rev. Maria Valenzuela
40 years
Rev. Janice Brosen
Rev. Mitchell Eickmann
Rev. Richard Lawrence
Rev. Thomas Stephens
Rev. Kim Taylor
Rev. Timothy Wright
Rev. Glenn Zimbelman
45 years
Rev. Paul Campbell
Rev. Thomas Dunham
Rev. Philip Gustafson
Rev. Keith Hardy
Rev. Daniel Megorden
Rev. Martin Overson
Rev. Thomas Rogers
Rev. Ronald Rude
Rev. Paul Scheitlin
Rev. Gary Ulrich
Rev. Glenn Zorb
50 years
Rev. Douglas Moffat
Rev. Gary Benson
Rev. Frank Nausin
Rev. Dennis D. Nelson
Rev. Myron Nysether
55 years
Rev. Bennett Henrikson
Rev. Ronald Koplitz
60 years
Rev. Jon Clutz
Rev. Ronald Hedwall
Rev. Carlyle Smith
Rev. David Swanson
Rev. Ronald Tellefson
Rev. Charles Wilfong
65 years
Rev. Richard Glover
Rev. John Lundering
70 years
Rev. Harold Aasland
Rev. Theodore Swanson
We were deeply honored to recognize a remarkable milestone in the life and ministry of one of our cherished pastors, Rev. Harold Aasland, who joined us to celebrate an incredible 70 years of faithful ordination. At 99 years old, his commitment and service to the church stand as a testament to a lifetime of dedication and love for God’s work. Watch video of Pastor Aasland here.
Retirement celebrations
Rev. Sarah Upham-Birdsall, 7/1/2023
Rev. Glenn Zorb, 9/1/2023
Rev. Robert Crabb, 12/1/2023
Rev. Gary McCluskey, 1/1/2024
Rev. Kim Sterner, 1/1/2024
Rev. Colin Melby, 1/1/2024
Rev. Deacon Janice Zimbelman, 1/1/2024
Rev. Stephen Beyer, 5/1/2024
Rev. Janice Brosen, 6/1/2024
Rev. Mitchell Eickmann, 6/1/2024
Barbara Carl also helped us celebrate volunteers and lay people.
We then had two sessions of workshops, heard from the Grand Canyon Stewardship team about Care for Creation, recognized our synod council, and thanked outgoing council members Pastor Tina Mills, At-Large Representative with the Rio Salado Conference, and Hannah Roberts, Youth Representative. Laura Musfeldt gave us an update on our successful Growing Generosity Appeal, and we were blessed to receive a gift from All Saints Lutheran in Phoenix, who recently pledged to commit 10% of any undesignated gifts to the synod.
Friday evening we enjoyed the joys of dinner and bingo.
Saturday morning opened with another Bible study with Rev. Dr. Colleen Windham-Hughes, and plenary sessions where we finished our elections and adopted our audit report and 2025-2025 mission plan.
We then recognized conference deans…
Cactus Conference: Rev. Ryan Hersch, Peace Lutheran Church, Peoria
Capital Conference: Rev. Kari Williamson, St. Andrew, Phoenix
Colorado River Conference: Rev. Jason Adams, Good Samaritan, Las Vegas
Fiesta Conference: Rev. Andrea Cain, Desert Cross, Tempe
High Country Conference: Rev. Michael Girlinghouse, LCM Canterbury, Flagstaff and Rev. David Brandfass, Christ, Sedona
Kino Conference: Rev. Naomi Hartman, Lutheran Church of the Foothills, Tucson
… and our Diakonia graduates:
Foundation Year graduates: Bethany Boyd, Allison Good, Kenneth Goode, Timothy Koenig, Linda Masters, Susan Meintel, Marilyn Pool, and Marsha Wooley (2024 Graduate of both the Foundation Year and Practical Year).
Practical Year Graduates: Kathy Anderson, Debra Carter, Tammy and Val Cobos, Sandra Holm, Vanessa Jones, Leslie McCourt, Debbie Nelson, Deanne Olivas, Mark Schulz, Julie Skrzypek, Janet Swarstad.
Legacy Program Graduate: Richard Flones.
Chaplain, Capt Matthew W. Dobyns shared his compelling stories and testimony from his call as a chaplain in the US Air Force. As part of our commitment to support these vital ministries, we are focused our assembly giving this year on the ELCA Federal Chaplaincy Ministries, specifically towards the ELCA Fund for Leaders Federal Chaplaincy Scholarship Endowment.
During our time together, we also made tangible contributions to our community, assembling 100 hygiene kits for men and women, which will be utilized by Grace Lutheran Church in Phoenix.
Before closing for worship and the diakonia graduation, we received the Bishop and Synod Council Report.
Bishop and Synod Council Report
The Bishop and Synod Council Report highlighted the diverse and vibrant ways in which congregations and ministries across the synod live out their faith. The report showcased the efforts of the synod to make the Gospel tangible in various contexts, celebrating the transformative power of Christ’s love and grace in our actions and relationships.
Key initiatives and stories include:
Peace Congregation in Peoria: Focused on becoming a multi-generational community, engaging and forming discipleship relationships with people under 50. The congregation has seen a significant increase in younger members participating in their faith journey.
New Promise in St. George, UT: Hosted a significant baptism event, baptizing 17 people in a single day, demonstrating a vibrant communal response to a call to faith.
Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in Arizona (LAMA): Engaged in advocacy work that reached across legislative bodies and communities, emphasizing Lutheran commitments to social justice and hunger relief.
Congregational Vitality: Efforts are being made to support congregations in discerning their future, particularly those facing challenges like declining attendance or possible closure. Resources and tools are being provided to help these congregations thrive.
Lay Leadership: With a decrease in seminary enrollments and pastoral availability, there is a growing emphasis on training lay ministry assistants to support congregational needs, particularly in areas lacking pastoral leadership.
New Church Starts: Initiatives in southern Nevada and the West Valley area of metro Phoenix are exploring new Lutheran-Episcopal collaborations and other new ministry opportunities, supported by substantial financial and community investments.
Global and Ecumenical Relations: Efforts to strengthen relationships with global Lutheran communities and other Christian denominations highlight a commitment to ecumenical dialogue and shared ministry, including significant engagement in global humanitarian efforts.
Youth and Young Adult Engagement: New programs and retreats are focusing on integrating young adults more fully into the life of the church, recognizing the importance of engaging this demographic in sustainable and relevant ways.
Addressing Modern Challenges: The synod is navigating the realities of modern ministry, including the need for more pastors, the financial burdens of education for clergy, and the opportunities presented by church closures to rethink and revitalize ministry efforts.
The assembly not only reflected on the achievements and challenges of the past year but also set the stage for ongoing growth and transformation within the synod, emphasizing a collective call to live out faith actively and authentically in a complex world.