The Protestant Church in the Netherlands presents "De nacht loopt ten einde…" ("The night comes to an end…") featuring the Lutheran Parish in Amsterdam.
Read MoreTwo years after the original projected date of completion, the Minoru Centre for Active Living in Richmond, VA is open. It’s not every day that a community gets a new center for events with indoor swimming facilities. It’s also not every day that such community centers win international prizes for their accessibility.
Read MoreAll Creation Sings, the worship and song supplement to Evangelical Lutheran Worship, released in late November 2020.
The ELCA Worship Staff would like to know how you’ve gotten to know All Creation Sings since its release last Advent. What is a newly discovered hymn or song that has worked very well in your assembly? Have you used elements of Settings 11 or 12 over this past year?
Read MoreZechariah’s prophecy in the first chapter of Luke, our reading for this second Sunday in Advent, is sometimes overlooked in favor of the Magnificat of Mary in the same chapter. Mary’s song, which we will read later in Advent, is a theological ode to God, who “lift[s] up the lowly” (Luke 1:52).
Read MoreThe Lutheran Church in Singapore presents Come Let us Adore Him, featuring the Queenstown Lutheran Church in Singapore.
Read MoreThe Salvadoran Lutheran Church presents Tras Hermoso Lucero. Featuring the Children Choir in the Lutheran Church Pueblo de Dios, Calderitas.
Read MoreThe Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada presents There is no Child by vocalists from the Eastern Synod.
Read MoreThe Evangelical Lutheran Church in Malawi presents Alimkudza wasoni munthu (He is Coming, The Man of Sorrows) featuring the ELCM Praise and Worship Team, Lilongwe Cathedral.
Read MoreThis Advent brings several reasons for hope: children can soon receive vaccinations for COVID-19, many congregations are gathering again in person, families look forward to holiday celebrations. Yet humanity grieves losses and experiences great suffering and forms of oppression, as does the planet itself.
Two new hymns in All Creation Sings that address this, see “Can You Feel the Seasons Turning” and “Abba, Abba, Hear Us” among others in the “Lament” and “Creation” sections.
Read MoreIn his book, Silence the Power of Quiet in a World Full of Noise, Thich Nhat Hanh talks about two kinds of knots. The first knot is our notions, ideas, concepts, and knowledge. These things are not bad, but when we get stuck on them we miss out on the truth of life.
The second knot is our afflictions, fears, anger, discrimination, despair, and arrogance. Thich Nhat Hanh believes that until these knots are undone we remain bound up and not truly free.
Read MoreOn Halloween night in the UK, three children stopped to trick or treat at the house of Brenda Burdon, 86. Brenda apologized because she did not have any treats ready to give out. The youth replied, “It’s OK, because sometimes making people happy and getting a nice big smile is reward enough.”
They returned the next day with muffins and chocolates, a card which they had decorated with pumpkins and doodles. Brenda Burdon’s grandson later said, “She was just lost in happiness that total strangers could leave such a wonderful impression” and that it was the best Halloween of her life.
Read MoreSymbols of Presence: A virtual weekly program from Spirit in the Desert during the season of Advent that helps participants prepare to receive the Best. Gift. Ever. The program is FREE, register on our calendar pages.
Read MoreWhen you think of a sloth, what do you think of? I’d bet a small, furry creature. Likely clinging to a tree with incredibly long claws. Probably munching on some leaves or flowers with a glib, goofy grin that God placed on its face through millions of years of evolution.
Read MoreAs you observe All Saints Sunday on November 7, 2021 or at another time near November 1 (All Saints Day), you may desire a rite that acknowledges those who have died from COVID-19 during this past year or since the beginning of this pandemic.
Read MoreIn late September the MacArthur Foundation announced that Joshua Miele is a genius grant recipient. Miele designs adaptive technologies that allow blind and visually impaired (BVI) people to use the technologies that permeate society. For instance, Miele developed YouDescribe, which allows sighted volunteers to create audio descriptions of any video on YouTube.
Read MoreThree songs from our 2021 Bishop’s Fall Gathering are available for your listening pleasure: A Story For All People, For All the Faithful Women, and I Love to Tell the Story. Listen and watch in this post.
Thanks to vocalist Karin Gunderson and pianist Jerry Gunderson for sharing. Jerry isDirector of Worship & Music Ministry, All Saints Lutheran Church, Phoenix.
Read MoreIn the past few years there has been a movement within the US American Catholic Church to recognize Dorothy Day as a saint within their tradition. While Lutherans and Catholics have different understandings of saints and sainthood, we too, can look to these people as exemplars of the faith.
Read MoreA 2010 study by psychologist Daniel Kahneman and Angus Deaton revealed that money did have an impact on how people evaluate their lives — people with more money feel better about their lives. The study showed when individuals reached an annual salary of $75,000, more money didn’t equate to more happiness.
Read MoreThe stories about the evacuation of American citizens and allies from Afghanistan have been heart wrenching. My feeling of helplessness drove me to discover signs of hope. As Mister Rogers invites us to do in a crisis, I felt compelled to “look for the helpers.”
Read MoreEveryone hoped that the conflict over whether to mask or not mask amid the COVID pandemic would be over by now. It isn’t. The number of cases continues to climb and mask mandates–and opposition to them–are also rising. A recent article points out that the issue can be framed as whether the vulnerable have a right to feel safe at school.
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