Advent Hymn: The night comes to an end, Protestant Church in the Netherlands
The Protestant Church in the Netherlands presents "De nacht loopt ten einde…" ("The night comes to an end…") as part of Lutheran World Federation’s Hymns of Advent and Christmas. Featuring the Lutheran Parish in Amsterdam.
Title - "De nacht loopt ten einde…“ – "The night comes to an end…"
Organist - Christiaan de Vries, of the Oude Lutherse Kerk Amsterdam
Vocalist - Petra Bosé, singer and parish member
Music - Bernard Huijbers (1922-2003)
Lyrics (Dutch):
De nacht loopt ten einde,
de dag komt naderbij
1 Het volk dat woont in duisternis
zal weten wie zijn heiland is.
Onverwacht komt van heinde en ver
de mensenzoon, de morgen ster.
2 Tekens aan sterren, zon en maan,
hoe zal de aarde dat bestaan?
Zo spreekt de Heer: verheft u vrij
want uw verlosser is nabij.
3 Wanneer de zee bespringt uw land
en slaat u ’t leven uit de hand,
weet in uw angst en stervenspijn:
uw dood zal niet voor eeuwig zijn.
4 Zie naar de boom, die leeg en naakt
in weer en wind te schudden staat;
de lente komt, een twijg ontspruit,
zijn oude takken lopen uit.
5 Een twijgje, weerloos en ontdaan,
– zonder gestalte, zonder naam.
Maar wie gelooft verstaat het wel.
Dat twijgje heet: Emmanuel.
6 Die naam zal ons ten leven zijn.
Een zoon zal ons gegeven zijn.
Open uw poorten metterdaad
dat uw verlosser binnengaat.
Lyrics (English translation):
The night comes to an end
and day comes closer-by
1 The people that live in darkness
will know who their Savior is.
Unexpectedly he comes from far
the son of man, the morning star.
2 Signs at the stars, the sun and moon,
how shall the world live through this soon?
Thus says the Lord: Rise and be free
because your savior’s close to thee.
3 When the sea jumps on your land
and hits your life from off your hand,
know then in fear and dying pain
your death will not last to eternity.
4 See then the tree empty and naked
in weather and wind it stands to shake
there comes the spring, a twig turns green,
old blossoming branches will be seen.
5 A twig, defenseless put to shame,
without a figure and a name.
But who believes will get it well.
The twig is called Emmanuel.
6 This name, it gives our lives a shift.
A son shall be to us the gift.
Open your doors and make them wide
through them your Savior wants to ride.
A Singing Communion of Churches
During this Advent season, LWF member churches are sharing hymns from their congregations to show how the Lutheran communion regions prepare for Christ’s coming into this world.
We want to use this period to reflect on and celebrate the diversity, uniqueness and oneness of God’s gifts to us. Follow the #lwfadvent calendar
Martin Luther wrote:
“I would certainly like to praise music with all my heart as the excellent gift of God which it is and to commend it to everyone. . . it has been instilled and implanted in all creatures, individually and collectively. For nothing is without sound or harmony. Even the air…”