In the latest Faith Lens blog, Joshua Serrano reflects on handling life's highs and lows through the lens of celebrity stories and the early ministry of Jesus. He discusses Adam Sandler's humble reaction to a professor's early criticism, juxtaposed with the Gospel account of Jesus' baptism and subsequent temptation. Serrano encourages finding strength in our identity as beloved children of God, regardless of life's fluctuating circumstances.
Read MoreThe ELCA Worship's blog post for February 8, 2024, showcases a variety of resources and events offered by Lutheran and ecumenical partner organizations. Highlights include the Institute of Liturgical Studies' conference on liturgy in consumer culture, free music compositions from Lutheran Summer Music, and the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians' educational conference. Augsburg Fortress presents liturgical resources for the Three Days of Easter, while Music that Makes Community shares practices for communal song-sharing. Luther Seminary’s Faith+Lead introduces a course for lay leaders on planning worship experiences.
Read MoreThis week’s "Faith Lens" blog post by Rachel Larson discusses the power of affirmation, especially within the context of faith. Reflecting on personal experiences of both receiving encouragement and facing criticism, the post delves into how these interactions can impact one's sense of self and calling. It connects this concept to the Transfiguration of Jesus, where God's affirming voice declares Jesus as His beloved son, setting the stage for Jesus' mission.
Read MoreAs part of our Creating Space for Conversations series, we share this video from the ELCA’s "Study Curriculum on Civic Life and Faith." Watch the video as a standalone resource, or explore the full set of the curriculum, including leader’s guides.
Read MoreDiscover the transformative power of a simple hug in the latest ELCA Faith Lens, "Healing Touch." Dive into how Jesus' healing actions and our everyday gestures of compassion can significantly impact our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.
Read MoreIn the wake of a historic all-female city council swearing-in in Saint Paul, Minnesota, the diverse books chosen by the officials highlight the guiding principles of our leaders and pose the question: what grounds us in our roles and lives? Explore this theme of grounding and the importance of focusing on what truly matters, drawing from Jesus' example of seeking solitude for prayer amidst his bustling ministry. Discover the full context and discussion on the significance of these guiding principles in the Faith Lens weekly blog post.
Read MoreAs part of our Creating Space for Conversations series, we share a PDF of an article by Mark A. Granquist, Rereading Niebuhr’s The Kingdom of God in America, from A Chosen Nation?, an issue of Word and World, Luther Seminary’s journal of theology.
Read MoreThis seminal work, now eighty-six years old, by American theologian H. Richard Niebuhr, remains a crucial text informing Christians about how they should understand the kingdom of God, especially as it relates to the Chris- tian faith. Niebuhr emphasizes how this concept refers to the primacy of God’s sovereignty in the world over all other allegiances.—Mark A. Granquist
Discover enriching resources for Lent, the Three Days, and Easter with "All Creation Sings," featured on ELCA Worship's latest blog post. Additionally, explore the newly available worship resources for the crisis in the Holy Land and learn how you can support and nominate talented young musicians for the Lutheran Summer Music Academy and Festival 2024 at Valparaiso University. Plus, delve into the daily Lenten devotions offered in "Gathered Into One," a reflection on unity and diversity in faith.
Read MoreAmidst the digital world's confusion, where verified statuses can be bought and authenticity is questioned, we are reminded of the importance of discerning the true voice of Christ. Like the first disciples, may we learn to follow not the symbols of verification but the undeniable call of love and truth.
Read MoreIn a world where AI-generated content blurs the line between reality and fiction, ELCA's Faith Lens challenges us to explore the authenticity of our faith experiences. How do we discern the truth in what we see and share a genuine testament of God's love in our lives? Dive into a thoughtful discussion on the intersection of faith and perception at
Read MoreAs part of our Creating Space for Conversations series, we share this video from the ELCA’s "Study Curriculum on Civic Life and Faith." Watch the video as a standalone resource, or explore the full set of the curriculum, including leader’s guides.
Read MoreDiscover the intersection of urgency in our lives and faith in this week's Faith Lens. Reflect on the festive season and explore the deeper meanings of our traditions and the Gospel of Mark. For thoughtful insights and discussion, check out the full post.
Read MoreAs part of our Creating Space for Conversations series, we share a PDF of an article by Marie Olson Purcell, “Oh, Those Words Are So Divisive, Pastor!”: Christian Nationalism and Identity Expression in the United States, from A Chosen Nation?, an issue of Word and World, Luther Seminary’s journal of theology.
Read MoreThe phrase “America is a Christian nation” is a highly polarizing statement in the contemporary United States. But like many such polarizing statements, the situation surrounding it is much more complex than it might seem. These complexities are actually openings for a deeper discussion of national identity and Christian faith, if such conversations can be had.—Marie Olson Purcell
Explore the power of belief and the importance of listening to women's voices in this week's Faith Lens post. Drawing inspiration from Britney Spears' memoir and her #FreeBritney movement, we delve into the societal tendency to dismiss women's stories and the impact of such attitudes. This post connects this theme to the Gospel, emphasizing the significance of believing Mary's account of Jesus' divine origin and the ongoing struggle to give women a voice in the church and society.
Read MoreExplore the challenging yet enriching call to step beyond our comfort zones in the latest Faith Lens blog, which delves into the history and current impacts of Indigenous people’s subjugation, drawing parallels to John the Baptist's unsettling call for change and repentance. Engage with thought-provoking questions and activities that encourage embracing Jesus' liberating message of love and justice.
Read MoreDiscover the art of civil discourse with "Hot Topics, Cool Heads: A Handbook for Civil Dialogue." Authored by experts who also have ties to our synod, this guide offers practical tools for engaging in respectful conversations on challenging topics. This essential read is part of our our "Creating Space for Conversations" resource page.
Read MoreExplore the challenging yet enriching call to step beyond our comfort zones in the latest Faith Lens blog, which delves into the history and current impacts of Indigenous people’s subjugation, drawing parallels to John the Baptist's unsettling call for change and repentance. Engage with thought-provoking questions and activities that encourage embracing Jesus' liberating message of love and justice.
Read MoreExplore how faith can guide us through life's unexpected upheavals in this week's Faith Lens. Delving into the apocalyptic imagery of Mark 13, we're invited to consider the transformative power of God's presence in times of change.
Read MoreAs part of our Creating Space for Conversations series, we share a PDF of an article by Will Fredstrom, Bonhoeffer’s Stellvertretung: A Christ-Like Ecclesial Ethic for Serving “Galilean” Neighbors, from A Chosen Nation?, an issue of Word and World, Luther Seminary’s journal of theology.
Read More“The ideas of America as either a “Christian” or “post-Christian” nation both reduce a complex relationship between church and state to a simplistic one. If the church is, as Bonhoeffer states, a representative of Christ’s redemptive presence in the world, then the church is primarily bound to serving all neighbors, both directly and through cooperation with the state.” —Will Fredstrom
The latest ELCA Worship newsletter offers valuable resources for spiritual growth and worship. It includes prayers for the crisis in the Holy Land, the Spanish edition of "Hear My Voice: A Prison Prayer Book," and insights from "All Creation Sings" for Advent and Christmas. Also featured are videos from the World Council of Churches' assembly, details of the ALCM’s PONDER ANEW conference in 2024, and the "Sundays and Seasons: Preaching, Year B 2024" guide.
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