ELCA Worship News: November, 2023

The ELCA Worship monthly newsletter highlights a variety of new and enriching resources for worship and spiritual practice. Among these are worship resources tailored for the crisis in the Holy Land, including prayers for public and private use. The newly released Spanish edition of "Hear My Voice: A Prison Prayer Book," titled "Oye Mi Voz," is now available, offering a source of solace for incarcerated individuals. Discover insights for Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany worship in the "All Creation Sings" blog post, along with the innovative All Creation Sings Braille Edition for Assembly Song. Additionally, explore the wealth of video content from the World Council of Churches' last assembly. Mark your calendars for the ALCM’s PONDER ANEW conference in 2024, celebrating the 300th anniversary of the St. John Passion by J.S. Bach. Lastly, check out "Sundays and Seasons: Preaching, Year B 2024" for new perspectives on sermon crafting.