Posts in Covid-19
Free stewardship seminar: Best Practices for Engaging Generosity in Uncertain Times

You are invited to attend a free stewardship presentation by Evan Moilan, CFRE, entitled “Best Practices for Engaging Generosity in Uncertain Times” via Zoom on Monday, May 18, 2020, at 7:00 p.m. Please register in advance for this meeting. We have a large capacity for this meeting so please feel free to invite your stewardship committees, church councils, and anyone else interested.

Evan works with GSB Fundraising, and recently talked on one of the synod’s Zoom meetings with congregation presidents. His talk generated enough interest for a full seminar of best practices.

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Grand Canyon Synod announces Daily Bread Grants

Through the generosity of donors to the Churchwide COVID-19 appeal, the Grand Canyon Synod received $10,000 and will use them for Daily Bread Grants. You can be a part of doubling the impact! We are seeking to raise a match of $10,000 which would mean $20,000 to provide basic needs throughout our synod.

Grand Canyon Synod ministries that may apply are those currently providing basic needs to significant populations of Native American, Latino and ethnic-specific communities. The ministry must be served by a rostered leader.

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GCS Council and Bishop recommend extending no in-person gatherings

As we journey through this Easter season, we are beginning to hear the question: when can we gather again?

In the midst of changing restriction policies across the three states of our synod, when and how will we worship in person as church? Some ask with concern, hoping that we not gather in person too soon. Others ask with excitement, because they miss the face-to-face community.

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Lutheran Social Services of Nevada services are by appointment

Lutheran Social Services of Nevada continues to offer services, including Identification Recovery Services (Birth Certificates), Rapid Rehousing Services, Senior Case Management, and more, although our one-on-one services will now be by appointment only.

Please call our main line at 702-639-1730 Monday - Friday or e-mail info@lssnv.orgat any time for more information about our services or scheduling an appointment.

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Emergency response memo from Navajo Evangelical Lutheran Mission

Dikos Nitsaaígíí-Náhást'éíts'áadah: That’s what the pandemic is called in Navajo. “We shouldn't be the last to get equipment," said President Nez, "We are the first citizens of this country, our nation. And we just got to remind our federal partners out there that we are still here and we're resilient and we'll overcome this."

On April 7, the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 on the Navajo Nation reached 321, with 13 deaths. These numbers are not included in the overall reporting for the State of Arizona.

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Leading Beyond the Blizzard: Why Every Organization Is Now a Startup

The Office of the Bishop staff is giving this article from The Praxis Journal a deep read: The novel coronavirus is not just something for leaders to “get through” for a few days or weeks. Instead, we need to treat COVID-19 as an economic and cultural blizzard, winter, and beginning of a “little ice age” — a once-in-a-lifetime change that is likely to affect our lives and organizations for years.

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Worksheet for congregational financial health

A worksheet to help congregations evaluate their financial situation during Covid-19 is available from Dr. Jerry Kingston, Special Bishop’s Associate for Mobility, and ASU Economics faculty member from 1969 to 2011.

The worksheet is based comparing available liquid assets for the period May 1, 2020 through September 30, 2020 to two sets of costs: (1) legally-required expenses; and (2) legally-required + pledged expenses to the synod and the churchwide organization. The worksheet is available as a PDF or Word doc.

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Helping People Make Ritual at Home after a Death

There’s a fair amount of advice out there on what to do about funerals or memorial services during the current “stay at home” shutdown. Often people are encouraged to plan for a memorial service whenever that becomes possible.

There’s another piece to ritual care for grieving people in the current situation, though: helping them create home ritual that fills some part of the need for more immediate ritual. Read more here »

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