The Office of the Bishop staff attends the Installation of Julie Gerrish at Christ Lutheran in Sedona, Sep 8, 2024, 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM, as well as Prayer Vigils for Peace During the 2024 Election Season with UCC, Disciples of Christ, Methodist, Presbyterian, Episcopal, and ELCA at Franciscan Renewal Center, Monday, September 9, 4:45 pm.
Read MoreLast chance to register for the Bishop’s Fall Gathering! Join us from October 21-23, 2024, at Spirit in the Desert Retreat Center for a time of worship, fellowship, and renewal. Register by September 13 to secure your spot.
Read MoreThe Office of the Bishop staff prepares to enter a busy September full of events.
Read MoreThe Office of the Bishop staff spent a morning volunteering at the West Valley Lutheran Thrift Shop on August 13, 2024. Our team was inspired by the dedication and community spirit of the shop’s 350+ volunteers, who have helped raise over $10 million for ELCA missions and local non-profits, including our office. The experience deepened our appreciation for this vital ministry, and we look forward to returning soon to continue supporting their incredible work.
Read MoreMembers of the Office of the Bishop celebrate the Ordination of Julie Gerrish at Esperanza on Aug 24, 2024 at 11 am and work on day to day operation.
Read MoreThe Office of the Bishop travels for work and vacation, and keeps the day-to-day and week-to-week operations flowing.
Read MoreThe Office of the Bishop spends a day volunteering with staff at West Valley Lutheran Thrift Store this week, as well as regularly scheduled activities.
Read MoreThe Office of the Bishop implements ideas and strategies from our in-person staff meeting and travels for work and vacation.
Read MoreThe Office of the Bishop returns from the ELCA Youth Gathering & Young Adult Gathering, and gathers for an in-person staff meeting and celebration of Pastor Jim Dew’s year as Interim Director for Evangelical Mission. We also share photos from the Ordination and Installation of Louis Liss.
Read MoreSome members of the Office of the Bishop are in New Orleans for the ELCA Youth Gathering & Young Adult Gathering, while others maintain office operations, all with the goal of connecting people.
Read MoreSome members of the Office of the Bishop travel to New Orleans for MYLE & the tAble, July 13-16; and the ELCA Youth Gathering & Young Adult Gathering. We also begin preparations for our Fall Gathering.
Read MoreThe Office of the Bishop picks up projects after our assembly wrap-up, and travels for meetings and preaching.
Read MoreThe Office of the Bishop travels for meetings, the youth gathering and vacations. We also attend our synod assembly wrap-up meeting and complete that work in preparation for next year. And we share a photo of the Bishop’s visit to Campformation.
Read MoreWe thank everyone who helped us with our Grand Canyon Synod Assembly. The Office of the Bishop takes the next few weeks to put our house back in order and prepare to create new possibilities.
Read MoreThe Rev. Deborah K. Hutterer was reelected June 14 to serve a six-year term as bishop of the Grand Canyon Synod. Information about the Grand Canyon Synod is available at
Read MoreBishop Deborah Hutterer has been reelected at the 2024 Grand Canyon Synod Assembly, with 201 votes affirming her leadership out of 267 legal votes. We thank all participants, including Deacon John Weit from the ELCA and our hosts at Love of Christ in Mesa, for their support and dedication. Bishop Hutterer’s vision continues to guide us into a future filled with faith and community action. Full results of the bishop election ballot can be found here.
Read MoreWe are thrilled to be gathering with everyone at our Grand Canyon Synod Assembly as we collectively embody the Word! It’s a joy to connect, share, and grow together in faith and fellowship.
Read MoreThe theme of our 2024 Grand Canyon Synod Assembly, “Embody the Word,” serves as a powerful reminder of the vibrant faith we have been gifted through our baptism into Jesus Christ. It's a call to open ourselves to God's transformative power, enabling us to boldly embody our true purpose as individuals and as the Body of Christ.
As disciples within the ELCA, we are called to courageously articulate the truths and beliefs deeply rooted in our faith. In our divided world, and even within our congregations, silence can often widen gaps of misunderstanding and division more than the spoken word. It is crucial that we not retreat from our responsibility to voice justice, peace, and reconciliation.
Read MoreWith less than a week to go for our synod assembly, the Office of the Bishop prepares for a joyful gathering at Love of Christ Lutheran in Mesa, where we get a chance to embody the Word together..
Read MoreIt’s June, and the Office of the Bishop focuses on synod assembly preparation. We also share a photo from the latest meeting of the candidacy committee.
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