Posts tagged Bishop Hutterer Letters
Bishop Hutterer: Becoming Easter People

We are called not only to personal reflection but also to communal action—to live as people of grace, serving our neighbors and embodying Christ’s love. This Lent, let us consider how our thoughts, words, and deeds shape the world around us. In a time when political and social divisions run deep, may we be mindful of how we use our voices—not to cut each other down, but to build up, to witness to the hope we share in Christ.

Let us be bold and courageous in speaking for justice, compassionate in amplifying voices often unheard, and steadfast in proclaiming God’s grace through actions that heal and reconcile.

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Beyond Binaries: Upholding God’s Diversity in Humanity

This week, ELCA Region 2 leaders respond to a recent presidential declaration limiting gender identity to a binary framework. Reflecting on Galatians 3:28 and the ELCA’s 2019 social statement, they affirm the inherent diversity of God’s creation, celebrate all gender expressions, and call for advocacy against discrimination. This letter underscores our shared identity in Christ and invites prayer for those affected by these harmful statements. Read the full letter and join us in standing for justice and inclusion.

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Faith Leaders Unite for Immigration Reform: A Call to Nevada’s Politicians | Líderes de Fe Unidos por la Reforma Migratoria: Un Llamado a los Políticos de Nevada

On Martin Luther King Day, faith leaders from Nevada, including Bishop Deborah Hutterer, called on political leaders to support humane immigration reform. Their published letters emphasize justice, compassion, and dignity for immigrants. Read the full messages and learn how you can support their advocacy efforts.

En el Día de Martin Luther King, líderes religiosos de Nevada, incluida la Obispa Deborah Hutterer, llamaron a los líderes políticos a apoyar una reforma migratoria humana. Sus cartas publicadas destacan la justicia, la compasión y la dignidad para los inmigrantes. Lea los mensajes completos y descubra cómo apoyar sus esfuerzos de abogacía.

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Faithfulness in our time: a Christmas message from the ELCA bishops and synod vice-presidents of Region 2

In this Christmas message, the bishops and synod vice presidents of Region 2 reflect on Howard Thurman’s poem, “The Work of Christmas,” calling us to embrace God’s grace and live out Christ’s liberating love. Representing over 500 congregations, they invite us to join in justice, service, and joy, embodying the good news of Christ in our communities and the world.

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Bishop Hutterer: Teranga, Hospitalidad, and the Spirit of Generosity

This Advent season, as we wait in hopeful anticipation for the gift of Christ’s birth, I find myself reflecting deeply on gifts and generosity. Not just the kind we wrap in paper and ribbons, but the kind we experience through the Spirit—the gifts of love, grace, and community that bind us together as one church, one body of Christ.

In the past months, I’ve been blessed to witness firsthand how the Holy Spirit moves through our shared ministry, both within our synod and across the globe. During recent visits to two of our companion churches—the Lutheran Church of Senegal (LCS) and Iglesia Luterana Mexicana (ILM)—I saw acts of generosity that have left me humbled and inspired.

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Bishop Hutterer: A Message of Peace and Hope after the Election

As I reflect on the election results in our nation and in our swing-states synod, I recognize that emotions across our communities are varied and deeply felt. For some, there is joy and hope; for others, uncertainty and worry. In this moment, we turn our gaze once again toward Jesus, our unchanging source of comfort and strength in uncertain times.

For those who are filled with joy today, I ask for your prayers, support, and compassion toward those who may feel fearful or lost. For those who are anxious, may you know the comfort of a God who holds you close. Jesus sustains us all, inviting us into a spirit of action and healing, no matter the season or the outcome.

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Bishop Hutterer: Faithfully Engaged in the Election Process

As early voting begins in Arizona, and with early voting also beginning soon in Utah and Nevada, I want to reflect on the sacred responsibility we hold as citizens and people of faith. Our participation in the democratic process is not only a privilege but a duty—one that reflects our commitment to justice, peace, and the flourishing of all people.

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Bishop Deborah Hutterer Annual Report: 2024

The theme of our 2024 Grand Canyon Synod Assembly, “Embody the Word,” serves as a powerful reminder of the vibrant faith we have been gifted through our baptism into Jesus Christ. It's a call to open ourselves to God's transformative power, enabling us to boldly embody our true purpose as individuals and as the Body of Christ.

As disciples within the ELCA, we are called to courageously articulate the truths and beliefs deeply rooted in our faith. In our divided world, and even within our congregations, silence can often widen gaps of misunderstanding and division more than the spoken word. It is crucial that we not retreat from our responsibility to voice justice, peace, and reconciliation.

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Bishop Hutterer: Sharing the Good News

“He has been raised; he is not here.” —Mark 16:6

This year, journeying through Lent as well as the spring gatherings around our synod, I was heartened by the joy of our most basic calling: sharing the Good News.

At gatherings of conferences in Las Vegas, Tucson, Phoenix, Scottsdale, and Sedona, a portion of our time was dedicated to simple open mic sessions, introduced by conference deans, where leaders of our congregations and ministries proclaimed the wonders of God's work in their communities. The feedback we received was clear: we live in a world desperate to hear any kind of good news.

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Bishop Hutterer: 40 Days of Contemplating Mortality and Embracing Life

Some may find it strange, but I welcome Ash Wednesday. While I believe we are a resurrection people, I also feel we can’t have that joy of new life without contemplating the reality that life is broken, and that things have an ending as much as a beginning.

Ash Wednesday, as well as the season of Lent, invites us as to reflect on themes that our modern world often encourages us to evade: confession, grief, and mortality. These are not subjects to be feared or shunned but embraced as vital in shaping the richness and depth of our lives.

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Bishop Hutterer: Awaiting Jesus

“O Little Town of Bethlehem, how still we see thee lie.” If you’re like me, when we enter the liminal season of Advent, this is the song that slows me down to a time of waiting and reflection. I imagine the quiet of Bethlehem, a world waiting for the birth of Jesus, waiting for the profound message of peace and reconciliation he brought into our world.

With the world, we are still waiting.

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Bishop Hutterer: Giving thanks to God

As you gather this Thanksgiving season with friends and family—whether they be relatives or connections as family in Christ—I want to express my deep gratitude to each congregation and individual for your support and commitment to our mission as church together. Through prayer, presence, and financial gifts, your generous support has allowed the Grand Canyon Synod to accomplish so much this year. I am continually inspired by the way you live the call to love God and serve our neighbor.

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Bishop Hutterer: Reformation Sunday and Living Hope's Legacy

Traditionally, we view Reformation Sunday as both a time of remembrance as well as a renewed commitment to the transformative power of the Gospel. This year, however, Reformation Sunday carries an added weight, as Living Hope Lutheran Church in Las Vegas closes its doors after 75 years of faithful ministry. 

As the Living Hope community gathers in their final worship service, we are reminded of the transient nature of earthly institutions, in contrast to the eternal promise of Christ's church.

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Bishop Hutterer: Creating Space for Conversations

In turbulent times, our shared faith is both a source of solace and a beacon, guiding us towards the path of understanding and unity. With our nation grappling with all sorts of divisions, it is vital that we seek not to fight one another, but rather to engage in open and compassionate dialogue.

This comes after recent events have left our hearts heavy. Reports of church burnings in Southern Arizona, protests at our churches that openly welcome LGBTQIA+ members, and ongoing racial tensions nationally have underscored the urgent need for us to live out our call to be peacemakers and bridge builders.

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Bishop Hutterer Annual Report: May, 2023

To all of you — lay leaders, rostered ministers, prayer partners — thank you for your commitment to the synod's work, which forms part of God's redeeming activity in our world. It continues to be my privilege to serve alongside you as the bishop of this synod. As we move forward, let us remain bold in our faith, trusting in God's guidance and love.

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Bishop Hutterer: An Invitation to Boldness

The Synod Assembly is an essential occasion for us to come together, not just as individuals or separate congregations, but as the body of Christ. Our gathering is a time to reconnect, to learn from one another, to share our struggles and triumphs, and to discern the path forward in unity and faith. It is during these meetings that we are reminded that we are not alone, but part of a larger, dynamic community of believers, bound together by our common faith and mission.

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Bishop Hutterer: Streams in the Desert

We are the Grand Canyon Synod, our namesake formed by the waters of the Colorado River. As citizens of the Southwest commemorating Earth Day 2023, we are keenly aware of the preciousness of water and the need to preserve this life-giving resource.

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Bishop Hutterer: From worry to wonder

As we move through our Lenten journey into Holy Week, I find myself thinking of the theme of our spring gatherings: From Worry to Wonder. 

The journey of the church involves becoming something new, not returning to the past. The path forward is to move together, exploring worries and shifting from a posture of worry to a posture of wonder.

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