Posts in Bishop Eaton
Bishop Eaton statement on Haitian community in Ohio

The recent national spotlight on Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio, clearly has fanned flames of hate and stoked threats of violence. The rhetoric has created discord and mistrust of people who have already suffered civil unrest in their nation and been granted legal protection in the United States. History shows us that this kind of hatred often carries negative national and global consequences. Our church teaches that immigrants are children of God, made in God's image and worthy of respect and lives of dignity. God calls us to witness boldly to this truth when people tell dehumanizing lies that perpetuate racist tropes and support white supremacist narratives. 

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Bishop Eaton: Praying for Peace Amid Ongoing War in the Middle East

In observance of the one-year anniversary of the start of the current conflict in the Holy Land, Bishop Eaton offers prayers for peace, healing and justice for all people in Israel and Palestine, and the regions where the war has escalated. “We grieve this violence and loss of life with all people of the Holy Land — and with the Palestinian community of the ELCA, our Jewish and Muslim neighbors, and all who live in fear, pain and anguish. We believe the presence and love of God in Jesus Christ can always be found in the places of the cross. Wherever violence, injustice and death seem to have the last word, God is there and has not abandoned the people.”

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Bishop Eaton: Civic engagement and loving-kindness

In anticipation of Election Day in the United States, Bishop Eaton reminds us that “civic engagement through political and nonpolitical processes is how we live into our baptism and share Christ’s love as we work to make a difference in our communities and strive for justice and peace across the globe.”

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Bishop Eaton Addresses Political Violence

Just a few weeks ago in my June column for Living Lutheran I wrote, "I can't think of an election cycle more fraught and divisive than this one. People all across the political spectrum claim that life as we know it is on the line. It's not possible to agree to disagree—one must decide and put a stake in the ground. There is the potential for violence." That potential is now a reality after last weekend's shooting at a Trump campaign rally that killed Corey D. Comperatore and injured other attendees. I am thankful that former President Trump's injury was minor and pray for his recovery alongside those affected. 

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Bishop Eaton Expresses Disappointment in Grants Pass Supreme Court Decision

In her letter responding to recent Grants Pass Supreme Court decision, Bishop Eaton encourages us as a church to:

  • Learn and Engage: Let us educate ourselves about housing insecurity and about justice for the homeless. Visit the ELCA Homeless and Justice Network for more information. 

  • Pray: Let us use the ELCA's Homeless and Justice Ministries dedicated devotional guide to pray for those affected by this decision and for our ministries that work to secure shelter for those in need. 

  • Speak Out: Let us review the ELCA World Hunger resource on housing and engage in activities to support effective policies, such as writing a letter to a local news outlet or speaking out at a town hall. 

“Criminalizing homelessness is an injustice we must reject. We remain committed to advocating for our unhoused neighbors.”

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God's love in these times | 2024 ELCA Churchwide Report video

Have you heard the phrase, “May you live in interesting times?” Many would say we live in uncertain times, with a world experiencing war and famine, the stress and lingering effects of the pandemic. But Bishop Eaton reminds us that as people of the Resurrection we also live in hope. God’s love sustains us even in the most difficult times. We live in interesting times because God’s love is always real.

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Bishop Eaton: Christian Nationalism and who is a real American

There is a movement in this country that seeks to define “real Americans” as white, Christian and native born. That is not only untrue but unpatriotic. In her video addressing Christian Nationalism, Bishop Eaton reminds us that “what binds us together is not ethnicity, but shared participation in our civic life springing out of our cultural heritages and working for the common good.” Download this message here, learn more about the Lutheran perspective on Christian Nationalism in this resource from ELCA Advocacy, and take action and join the movement here.

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Bishop Eaton Issues Message on the War in Gaza

For eight horrific months war has raged in Gaza. Thousands of people have died, and thousands more are suffering. In recent days we have seen unspeakable images of violence in Rafah and escalating violence in the West Bank. Like the prophet Isaiah, we lament, "How long, O Lord?" (Isaiah 6:11).

At times a just peace for Palestinians and Israelis doesn't seem possible, yet as Christians we believe that it is. The psalmist assures us that God "makes wars cease to the end of the earth" (Psalm 46:9). At times it seems that there is nothing we can do, yet through baptism God calls us to be peacemakers. We live out this calling in many ways, including through prayer, advocacy and accompaniment.

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Mental Health Awareness: We are the Body of Christ | Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton

In her message addressing mental health, Bishop Eaton stresses that “telling someone they aren’t doing enough to be happy creates a stigma that they are not living correctly… it’s important that we, as the body of Christ, provide compassionate support for those in our families and in our communities who are living with mental illness. God loves us all; no matter how we are coping, we are not alone, God is with us.”

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Bishop Eaton Reflects on UMC’s Historic Changes and Ecumenical Growth

Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton reflects on the profound changes emerging from the recently concluded United Methodist Church (UMC) General Conference in Charlotte, N.C. After being postponed since 2020, the conference highlighted the UMC's adoption of significant measures including the lifting of a 40-year ban on the ordination of practicing homosexual clergy, and the expansion of marriage definitions to include same-sex couples.

Bishop Eaton underscores the ELCA's joy and gratitude for 15 years of full communion with the UMC, celebrating the shared commitment to inclusivity and unity in Christian teaching.

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Bishop Eaton's Easter 2024 message

In her Easter message to the church, Bishop Eaton focuses on three words that describe what the women at tomb experienced when the angel announced that Jesus had been raised from the dead: fear, amazement and being seized or possessed.

“These three words really say something about the women, and I think about us and, most especially, about Easter…I think it's very important to take time to be a little amazed, to be standing in a different place, to have a sense of this awe and trembling before the Lord, and to allow ourselves to be possessed by the Spirit, who will give us power and courage in these times.”

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A Statement from Bishop Eaton on the Conflict in the Holy Land

The ELCA's commitments call on us to denounce unequivocally any attacks — past, present or future — by any party that lead to civilians becoming victims. Our hearts are with all those who have been killed or injured, and with their families and friends. Read the full statement here.

Here are worship resources and ways that you can be involved in advocacy. Join a prayer vigil hosted by Churches for Middle East Peace.

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Statement from Bishop Eaton on current situation in Israel and Palestine

“As Lutherans, we are accustomed to holding tension between two truths. Thus the ELCA denounces the egregious acts of Hamas, acts that have led to unspeakable loss of life and hope. At the same time the ELCA denounces the indiscriminate retaliation of Israel against the Palestinian people, both Christian and Muslim.”

Things you can do:

  • Find updated resources and statements from the ELCA here.

  • Join our partner Churches for Middle East Peace for prayer every Wednesday from 12:30 to 1 p.m. Eastern time. Register here.

  • Call your lawmakers today through the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121 and urge them to take action to deescalate the conflict and uphold unrestricted humanitarian aid to Gaza. Find your member of Congress at govtrak.

  • Support Lutheran Disaster Response here.

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Bishop Eaton's National Day of Remembrance for Indian Boarding Schools message

Saturday, September 30, 2023, is the National Day of Remembrance for Indian Boarding Schools. In her video, Bishop Eaton reminds us that this church is committed to understanding our role in the tragic and sinful history of Indian boarding schools so that we can begin to heal together. Visit to learn more.

You can participate by wearing an orange shirt and posting a photo of yourself, members of your congregation or community on social media. #ELCA #TruthAndHealing #DayOfRemembrance.

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