Unveiling the Vibrant Sanctuary Mural at Lord of Grace Lutheran Church
Discover the transformative power of art at Lord of Grace Lutheran Church with the unveiling of a new sanctuary mural by Michael Schultz. Celebrate the close of a successful capital campaign with this vibrant expression of faith and community. Read more in our post and the article at lordofgrace.org.
Lord of Grace Lutheran Church in Tucson proudly announces the near completion of their sanctuary renovations, a testament to the faith and generosity of the congregation. As they finalize their capital campaign, which remarkably raised over $290,000, they celebrate the many enhancements made to their church home, from practical repairs to inspiring upgrades.
The culmination of this transformative journey is the unveiling of an inspiring mural by local Tucson artist, Michael Schultz. A veteran graffiti artist and former leader of Open Space Church, Schultz has lent his considerable talents to creating the mural.
This mural isn't just a decoration; it's a narrative, a dynamic storytelling of faith. Schultz’s design features three distinct segments: the healing touch of Jesus, a congregation united by resurrection, and the profound discovery at the empty tomb. With spray paint and markers, he's crafted a modern, non-literal representation of pivotal biblical moments, infusing the worship space with a sense of vibrancy and modernity.
As they look forward to completing the final technical upgrades to their audio system, Lord of Grace invites our community and guests to experience the liveliness and creativity that our sanctuary now exudes. Lord of Grace has not only survived the challenges of the pandemic but emerged with renewed vigor, ready to embrace the future with open arms.