Thanks to all who made our 2024 Assembly possible!

We are deeply grateful to the many individuals who have embodied the Word in their contributions to this year’s Synod Assembly. From committees and task forces to volunteers on the ground, your dedication and hard work have been instrumental in bringing our vision to life. Visit our thank you page to discover all the wonderful people who helped us embody the Word at our 2024 assembly.

A special thank you goes to our voting members. Your commitment to travel, engage, and participate in the complex business of the church is invaluable, especially in this year of a Bishop election. Your willingness to serve, your discerning voices, and your passion for our mission have been vital in shaping the direction of our church. This Assembly’s success is a testament to your meaningful contributions and active participation. Y’all truly embody the Word!

Our thanks to everyone behind the scenes or anyone we missed who helped make this Assembly amazing!