Posts tagged COVID In-person gathering
Bishop Hutterer: Protecting our vulnerable by waiting to gather in-person

I have been encouraged to respond to what I believe is an ill-advised statement to “open houses of worship,” given all the evidence that the coronavirus is still spreading. This week, the COVID-19 death toll across our country reached 100,000 souls. To date, infections number over 17,000 in Arizona and over 8,000 in both Nevada and Utah. Over 1,300 people have died in the three states.

Such statistics testify this is not the time to gather in-person. I would sum up guidance to churches in one, simple phrase: “Just because you can gather for worship, doesn’t mean you should.”

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Bishop Hutterer: In-person worship in a time of unknowns

We all want to go back to in-person worship. We also want to be safe. We want our neighbors to be safe. Many have asked me when we can gather for in-person worship.

In a time of so many unknowns with so much at risk, I feel it would be ill-advised to project yet another date. As we decide when to proceed, I suggest we wait for the CDC guideline of a “downward trajectory of documented cases within a 14-day period.”

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Lutheran infection disease expert's advice on coronavirus

In a Zoom meeting with Bishop Ann Svennungsen of the Minneapolis Area Synod, Dr. Michael Osterholm advises us to be ready for months of uncertainty. You may have seen Dr. Osterholm and his rational and accurate pandemic forecasts on many news outlets. Not only is Osterholm an infectious disease epidemiologist and director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, he is a plain-spoken ELCA member who cares deeply for the church.

“Sobering” is the most common word used to describe Dr. Osterholm’s advice to be ready for months of uncertainty. View at

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