Rev. Dan Potaznick Annual Report: 2024
View reports for our 2024 assembly on our assembly mission and ministry stories page or in this collection of blog posts.
Director of Generosity and Strategic Development
Synod Council Report, June 2024
“And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work.”
There are many ways generosity is expressed in the church. The gift of leadership is offered by each conference dean, team & committee member, council member, and worship leader. The gift of time is offered by every attendee of Synod Assembly and volunteers who serve our neighbors. The gift of money is offered by weekly offering to the congregation, congregational mission support to the synod, mission support tithe to churchwide ministry, extraordinary gifts from congregations & donors, and planned gifts that continue a legacy of love in Christ.
All gifts are an expression of generosity shared abundantly because of the blessing of abundance God has gifted to us in Jesus. As the Director of Generosity and Strategic Development for the Grand Canyon Synod (GCS), I give thanks to God for the gift that is our call to be church together. In this report I will share ways our collective generosity as synod has communicated Jesus, connected people, and created possibilities in communities across the American southwest. Thank you for taking the time to read this report, a generous gift of your time rooted in the love you have for the church.
Communicate Jesus
Beginning February 2023 through January 2024 (FY 23/24), 73 GCS congregations and synod authorized ministries gifted $1,788,103 in Mission Support, an increase of over $11,000 from the year prior. As detailed in the proposed mission plan, Mission Support is the primary source of funds in which the mission plan relies. This means the impact of the mission plan points to the impact of congregational mission support.
It is important that we better communicate how mission support makes such a significant impact on our shared work of sharing the Good News. To accomplish this, I have created three new ways in which the Office of the Bishop offers thanksgiving in a public way alongside handwritten thank you notes:
Mission support plan thank you letter sharing the impact of campus ministry
Quarterly mission support thank you letter sharing different stories of impact
GCS Certificate of Thanksgiving for Mission Support gifted at synod assembly
Connect people
It seems like every week I meet someone new who knows all my church friends and think “wow, it really is a small church!” This speaks to our interconnectedness one church, but often congregations and leaders feel alone. In my work, I have focused on helping leaders harness resources to cultivate stewardship available to them just by being members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Resources which include:
ELCA Foundation Regional Gift Planner, Lisa Higginbotham, who is funded through the synod mission plan so every congregation can utilize her services for free!
Webinars like “Learn How to Construct a Narrative Mission Plan for Your Community: Step-By-Step” created and presented by Pastor Tim Brown, ELCA Director for Congregational Stewardship for the GCS
The Grand Canyon Synod Stewardship Team, whose focus for this year is Stewardship of God’s Creation. With this focus, the team will be sharing stories of congregations and ministries care for God’s creation and ways you as a congregation and disciple can live in your call as steward in saving energy and water usage in our homes and ministry sites. Thank you to GCS Stewardship Team members Janis Richert (team chair), Linda Staats, Duane Gilson, and Pastor Glenn Schrader (Our Saviour's, Tucson). If you feel called to serve on the synod Stewardship Team, please reach out to me at or connect with any of our current team members to learn more.
Create Possibilities
Paul quotes the psalmist in 2 Corinthians 9:9 “As it is written, ‘He scatters abroad; he gives to the poor; his righteousness endures forever.’” As a connected church we together communicate the love of Jesus, all so we may live into the abundance God provides to create possibilities where people of faith may fully live into their call. In my role on synod staff am blessed to serve in many ways that inspire generosity which creates so many possibilities:
The GCS Mission & Ministry Fund, established by synod council to support vital yet vulnerable ministries that require a long term and multi-faceted commitment rather than year to year grants. Together we equip leaders to share the Good News to communities that have been historically underserved and underrepresented within the ELCA including Latino ministries, indigenous ministries, youth ministries, and young adult ministries. I give thanks to the congregations and donors who support the growth and longevity of the Mission and Ministry Fund. I would like to offer special thanks to God for the leadership of Mount of Olives Lutheran Church, who has tithed 10% of the sale of their property to the synod as they become a church without walls. 50% of this amazing gift has been designated for the Mission and Ministry Fund. Looking forward, we together as synod will be working to build this fund to create possibilities through long term ministry partnership.
The Growing Generosity Appeal has raised over $750,000 in gifts and pledges to grow financial viability, grow future ministries, and grow fervent voices throughout the synod. Over $700,000 has been received and sent to our campus ministries (University of Arizona, Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University), advocacy ministries (Lutheran Advocacy Ministry of Arizona, Lutheran Engagement and Advocacy Network), and Mission and Ministry congregations. Additionally, $150,000 in Lilly Grant funding was received as a match which supported stewardship education, debt reduction for rostered leaders, and respite for leaders in crisis. Thank you for your impact through the Growing Generosity Appeal and thank you to all who served on the Growing Generosity Team, led by Myrna Wells-Ulland (Living Water, Scottsdale).
Thank you for your generous heart, faithful spirit, and the opportunity to serve in this role!
In Christ,
Rev. Dan Potaznick, CFRE (Certified Fund Raising Executive)
Director of Generosity & Strategic Development
Office of the Bishop, Grand Canyon Synod - ELCA