Rehome a Piece of Living Christ Lutheran’s History: Church Items Available

Living Christ Lutheran Church is reaching out to find new homes for several cherished items that have graced their church. These items carry the spirit and history of the congregation, and they hope to find them places where they will continue to be valued and utilized.

While many items have found a new home, they are still looking for a home for their handmade altar crafted by a charter member, 76" x 35" x 40" tall with a glass top, and our hanging cross.

Available for rehoming are a range of items first come, first served:

  • A stunning handmade altar, approximately 76" x 35" x 40" tall, crafted by one of our charter members, complete with a glass top. There is also a possibly matching pulpit available.

  • A beautiful cross that has adorned the sanctuary.

  • A standing cross, complete with its stand (currently shown on its side in the photos below).

  • An array of Evangelical Lutheran Worship and With One Voice Lutheran worship hymnals.

  • Various editions of Bibles, including the Revised Standard Edition.

  • Paraments and banners suited for every liturgical season.

  • Large vases and decorative items ideal for a worship area.

  • Communion sets that have been part of our sacred gatherings.

  • A large monitor and its mount, previously used in the sanctuary.

For those interested in any of the items listed, please contact Kris Swanson directly at to arrange for pick up or more details.

Thank you for considering giving a new life to these meaningful pieces.