Pastor Kristin Engstrom: A New Call in Zambia
My last Sunday in the Dakar parish, where I worshipped most often.
Hello dear siblings in Christ,
This past year has been one of uncertainty and transition for me, as it has been for many of you. Thankfully, I now have good news to share about a new call with ELCA Global Mission! You can read about my new call, as well as join me in celebrating the first four years of the YAGM Senegal program in my October Newsletter (view as PDF).
You can also find an online downloadable version at my new blog:
For those of you who followed my work with the YAGM Senegal program via the YAGM Senegal blog (, that blog will remain viewable online, but I will now be posting at
Thank you all for your continued support during this time of transition. I know life and ministry have been challenging during this past year and a half, which makes me all the more thankful and glad that we are church together, siblings in Christ together, and never alone.
God be with you,
Pastor Kristin Engstrom