NELM newsletter: September 2022
Kate Adelman, Development Director and Pastor at Navajo Lutheran Mission (NELM), shares the latest stories from the 70-year-old Mission, including news and photos from the start of a new school year at the mission school.
Welcoming a happy new Kindergarten class to the Mission School
Success is a heart-warming experience.
Listening to the joyful sound of 40 children playing on the playground makes our work here at the Mission seem well worth the effort. The fall 2022 success is partly your success, too. Together we have remodeled and equipped a new third grade classroom and enlarged the school cafeteria by 50%. Our talented staff, paired with your generous donations, have elevated Navajo Mission Preparatory School to a whole new level of operational and educational excellence.
But our work is not done. Pandemic challenges linger for our Navajo neighbors. Indoor mask mandates are still in place. Those without electricity or running water to their homes struggle to sustain adequate basic resources like food and safe water. That’s where we step in to distribute 25,000 pounds of food and 200,000 gallons of water monthly. Additionally Hózhó Café continues to provide an average of 80 meals day to those who need it most.
I want to thank you in advance for taking the time to consider how you can be involved. The Mission is a 70-year-old story of advocacy, compassion, and partnership with the Navajo people. We continue to strive for justice, listening for the times and places where we can step in to meet the most basic needs.
I hope you will donate and join in the good, loving, healing work we can accomplish together.
— Kate Adelman, Development Director and Pastor
Classrooms get “smart” this year
Keeping up with technology is paramount in this digital age. Combining with last year's addition of new Chromebooks for every student, this year every classroom now utilizes Visio 70" smart boards for group and individual instruction. Teachers worldwide using video and touch technology report raised test scores, improved learning, increased comprehension and, best of all, increased student engagement in the classroom.