Lutheran World Federation newsletter: 1/5/2024
"The message of God’s love calls us to go out into the world and to serve all people." In the photo, LWF member church delegates take part in a joint exercise, prior to the start of the Thirteenth Assembly in Kraków, Poland, last September. Photo: LWF/Albin Hillert
New Year Message
New Year Message: Let all you do be done in love
Ethiopia: Christmas joy for Tigrayan family
Saxony: Bishop and youth plant 500 trees together
Get Involved
Applications for LWF Member Church Projects
Ongoing Campaigns and Open Calls
Donate to support the
emergency work of our
LWF Jerusalem Program
Now there are varieties - Study document on Lutheran Identity
"The Spirit of the Lord Is Upon Me” - International Lutheran-Pentecostal Dialogue Statement
Hope for the Future: A Study Document for Renewing Jewish-Christian Relations
Interim Report: Experiences of Women in the Ordained Ministry