Laura Krueger re-elected to WELCA Executive Board
Board members include (pictured above, l-r; top row) Jean Pishaw (Oregon Synodical Women’s Organization), Tracy Williams (Southwest California Synodical Women’s Organization), Laura Krueger (Grand Canyon Synodical Women’s Organization), Diane Henning (Saint Paul Area Synodical Women’s Organization), (2nd row) Miranda Searcy (Arkansas-Oklahoma Synodical Women’s Organization), Lorie Garcia (Southwestern Texas Synodical Women’s Organization), Dawn Wicklund (Northwest Synodical Women’s Organization of Wisconsin), Elizabeth Burgess (New England Synodical Women’s Organization), (3rd row) Jennifer Armstrong-Schaefer (Southwestern Pennsylvania Synodical Women’s Organization), Lynette Todd (Delaware-Maryland Synodical Women’s Organization), and Yma Mulero (Caribbean Synodical Women’s Organization).
Laura Krueger, of Avondale, Ariz., was re-elected to the churchwide executive board of Women of the ELCA at its August 3-5, 2021, convention. This is Laura’s second term on the board that provides leadership to the churchwide women’s organization, one of the separately incorporated ministries of the ELCA.
You can read more about the triennial convention in this news story from our website.
If it’s been a while since you took a good look at the women’s ministry organization of the ELCA, spend some time on their website where, among other things, you’ll find a wealth of free downloadable resources perfect for adult education classes, retreats, programs, and personal reflection.
Visit to learn more about their award-winning magazine that’s best known for the Bible studies it publishes in each issue. Boldcafe, the e-magazine for young adults, rounds out our offerings, available online and in podcast.