In Memoriam: Rev. Howie Wennes
We pray for the family of Rev. Howard E. Wennes, especially his wife Mary, after his death on July 12, 2022, following a recent hospitalization. Pastor Howie Wennes is bishop emeritus of the Grand Canyon Synod (June 20, 1987 – August 31, 2001), and president emeritus of California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks.
A Celebration of Life Service will be held on Sunday, August 14 at Ascension Lutheran Church in Thousand Oaks at 1:00 p.m. The service will also be livestreamed during that time, and a link will be sent out in advance of the date via Caring Bridge and social media.
In lieu of flowers, the Wennes family has asked that memorial contributions be made to the ELCA Mary and Howie Wennes Hunger Leaders Endowment Fund or to the David Wennes Scholarship Fund at CLU – links will be made available at Caring Bridge.
The Rev. Howard "Howie" Wennes
January 9, 1939 – July 12, 2022
The Rev. Howard “Howie” Wennes, Bishop Emeritus of the Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA and President Emeritus of California Lutheran University in Thousand Oaks, passed into glory on Tuesday, July 12 after a recent hospitalization.
Howard Wennes received a B.A. in economics from St. Olaf College in Minnesota; an M.Div from Luther Theological Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota. He was ordained June 12, 1966 at St. Olaf Lutheran in Austin, Minnesota.
He received his D.Min from Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary in Berkeley in 1982. He also received an honorary doctor of divinity degree from Cal Lutheran in 1987.
He and Mary Dunlap Wennes were married in 1962, and their partnership took them to parishes throughout the Western United States and to mission work in Japan with the South Pacific District of the American Lutheran Church; ministry work with Lutheran Retreats, Camps, and Conferences; the World Council of Churches; Lutheran World Relief; the Inter-Lutheran Task Force on Health and Wellness; Spirit in the Desert in Arizona; and much more.
Rev. Wennes served as the first Bishop of the Grand Canyon Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America from 1987 through 2001. He then served as interim pastor at congregations including Ascension, Thousand Oaks and Spirit of Grace in Surprise, Arizona, and as a staff member of ELCA Hunger Appeal.
At California Lutheran University, he served as Assistant to the President for University Ministries and Director of Church Relations and as a member of the Board of Regents. In 2006 and in 2007 he was asked to serve as interim university president in a challenging time of transition and change, during which he was a leader in strengthening the university’s international and ecumenical alliances. He was awarded Cal Lutheran’s Christus Award in 2009 for his efforts at strengthening the tie between the church and the University. The David Wennes Memorial Scholarship is an endowed scholarship for creative writing and other artistic expression, honoring Howard and Mary’s son who died in 1999, and the campus Wennes Interfaith Meditation Chapel also honors the work of the Wennes family.
In “A season of lament,” published May, 2020 in Living Lutheran, Rev. Wennes wrote: One of my favorite Bible verses over the last decade is from Hebrews 10:23: “Let us hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering, for [God] who has promised is faithful.” Through our holy history, the life of the saints over the ages and our own experiences, we’ve learned to hold on to hope no matter what.
Pastor Howie is survived by Mary, adult children Sally and Tim, grandchildren, and extended family.
“O God of grace and glory, we remember before you our brother, Pastor Howie Wennes. We thank you for giving him to us to know and to love as a companion in our pilgrimage on earth. In your boundless compassion, console us who mourn. Give us faith to see that death has been swallowed up in the victory of our Lord, Jesus Christ, so that we may live in confidence and hope until, by your call, we are gathered to our heavenly home in the company of all your saints; through Jesus Christ, our Saviour and Lord.”
Dear Cal Lutheran Community,
It is with a heavy heart that I share this news. The Rev. Dr. Howard Wennes, a treasured member of the Cal Lutheran community, died yesterday following a recent hospitalization.
Howie, as he was affectionately known, and his wife Mary have had a long and close relationship with Cal Lutheran, and they have been among the university’s most fervent supporters. They are equally known for their warmth, wit, energy and commitment to Lutheran higher education. They spent considerable time in the Samuelson Chapel for University chapel services and walking the campus greeting acquaintances and making new friends. I feel extraordinarily lucky to have been amongst the latter. I am honored that Howie befriended me upon my arrival and offered invaluable support, insights, and some humor and perspective during my first two years as president.
For others who may be new to the Cal Lutheran community, I share some highlights of his connection to the university in the hopes that you will glimpse his legacy. Howie received his bachelor's degree in economics from St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota, his master of divinity from Luther Theological Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota, and his doctor of ministry from Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary in Berkeley in 1982. He received an honorary doctor of divinity degree from Cal Lutheran in 1987.
Howie was the first Bishop of the Grand Canyon Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), a position he held from June 1987 through August 2001. In this role and others, he was a major advocate for Cal Lutheran with the congregations, pastors, and college-bound students of the Southwestern states.
Howie’s ministerial career took him and Mary to parishes throughout the Western United States. Together and individually, the couple served in ELCA leadership positions throughout the world. Because of his commitment to and embodiment of ELCA values, Howie promoted spiritual inclusivity and interfaith explorations. During his and Mary’s own explorations, they spent much time abroad learning with and about faith communities stretching from Australia (World Council of Churches delegate), to South and East Africa (visiting professor at Umphumulo Lutheran Seminary), to Lithuania, Central America, Hungary (Lutheran World Federation assemblies), and Hong Kong. He chaired the Lutheran World Relief Board, served on the Inter-Lutheran Task Force on Health and Wellness, and worked for the ELCA Hunger Appeal.
After he retired, Howie was invited to serve as California Lutheran’s Assistant to the President for University Ministries and Director of Church Relations. In this role, he was responsible for sustaining and extending the university's myriad relationships with the ELCA, especially the 800 congregations of Region II, which included California, Hawaii, Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, portions of Wyoming and Texas. He also played a leading role in the university’s international and ecumenical alliances.
On top of all of the above, Howie served on the Board of Regents and twice was asked to be interim president of Cal Lutheran — in 2006 and 2007 — working tirelessly with the administrative team to support the university during times of challenging transitions. He was often heard saying “make room for the Spirit” as he encouraged the university to live out its mission, values, and identity. To acknowledge just some of his many successful efforts, Howie was awarded Cal Lutheran’s Christus Award in 2009–an award that highlighted his work at strengthening the ties between the church and the university.
Appropriately, the Wennes name is woven into several university programs and places. We proudly offer the David Wennes Memorial Scholarship, an endowed scholarship awarded to upper-division English majors who have shown a gift for creative writing or other artistic expression. The scholarship honors the couple’s son who died in 1999. Their name also graces the Wennes Interfaith Meditation Chapel—a space that includes resources from major world religions. It is wonderfully a place where people of all faiths and traditions are invited to gather for meditation, prayer, and reflection.
While Howie loved spending time in chapels, churches, and worship spaces, he also loved being outdoors. He was an avid golfer who played in golf tournaments that supported Cal Lutheran and Lutheran Outdoor Ministry. In almost all cases, he eschewed a cart and walked the greens, happily and strongly.
Whenever you enter the Wennes Interfaith Meditation Chapel or listen to beautiful music, may you think of Howie and his legacy. May we all invoke his sincere invitation to make room for the Spirit here at California Lutheran at this moment in our history. And may we all relish his gifts of humility, generosity, insight, and the asking of gentle but profound questions that brought happiness, reassurance, and spiritual invigoration to so many.
We will share information about an August memorial service as soon as we are able. Please keep Mary, and their adult children, Sally Wennes and Tim Wennes, and Howie’s grandchildren and extended family in your prayers.
In gratitude and in tribute,
Lori E. Varlotta, Ph.D.