Finding God’s Joy in the Holiday Hustle: A Workshop with Angela Gorrell

Discover "Gateways to Joy," a soul-nurturing workshop on Thursday, 11/2/2023, led by Rev. Dr. Angela Williams Gorrell, designed to unlock God’s deep gladness amidst life’s complexities. This holiday season, explore joy's true essence, learn practical joy-cultivating strategies, and connect with a supportive faith community, all guided by Dr. Gorrell's wisdom and compassion. Enroll now for a transformative journey toward enduring spiritual joy.

As the holidays approach, emotions can run high, especially when navigating the nuances of loss, trauma, or spiritual dryness. Recognizing this, Rev. Dr. Angela Williams Gorrell offers a sanctuary for those seeking solace and joy in her upcoming live workshop, "Gateways to Joy." It's not about forcing happiness but rather discovering how to welcome God's profound peace and joy into our lives, irrespective of our circumstances.

This workshop is a haven, whether you're a person of faith facing personal struggles, grieving significant losses, or a faith leader desiring to effectively minister to your community's complex emotional and spiritual needs. Dr. Gorrell's session promises not only deep insights into the true essence of joy but also practical strategies to cultivate it amidst life's inevitable adversities.

Participants will benefit from Dr. Gorrell's invaluable guidance, rooted in her extensive experience and empathetic approach to finding joy in trials. The interactive, real-time format allows for genuine connection with others on similar journeys, fostering a community of support, mutual growth, and shared faith.

In a season often marked by both celebration and sorrow, "Gateways to Joy" provides a restorative space for spiritual renewal and joyous connection, guiding attendees toward a more profound, joy-infused relationship with God and others. Enroll today and embark on a transformative journey toward a deeper, more joy-filled life.