Embracing the Journey: ELEA's 2023-2024 Devotion Guide

Download and discover the Evangelical Lutheran Education Association's (ELEA) 2023-2024 Devotion Guide titled "On the Road / En La Carretera." The guide, compiled by educators, leaders, and bishops, serves as a powerful resource for parents, staff, and those involved in our schools and centers. Join others on this journey of faith and education which follows the lectionary each week.

The Evangelical Lutheran Education Association (ELEA) has announced "On the Road / En La Carretera" as the central theme for the 2023-2024 Devotion Guide. This theme also resonates with the Lutheran Schools Week, scheduled for March 3-9, 2024, underscoring the metaphorical journey of faith and education that we collectively undertake.

The ELEA Devotion Guide is an annual publication that follows the lectionary, or the scheduled calendar of biblical passages, each week from August 2023 through July 2024. It is a compendium of thought-provoking pieces penned by a diverse group of contributors, including teachers, administrators, lay and rostered leaders, and bishops.

Designed for use by all who love and care for our children, the guide serves as a significant resource for parents, congregational and synod staffs, and those serving in our schools and centers. It invites readers on a journey of reflection, growth, and spiritual exploration.

The Spanish version of the guide, maintaining the inclusivity and reach of ELEA's mission, is also soon to be released.

Stay tuned for further updates and join us "On the Road" in this journey of faith, love, and learning!