Advent Hymn: Krisztus Urunknak áldott születésén, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Romania
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Romania presents "Krisztus Urunknak áldott születésén" ("On the birth of our Lord Christ") as part of Lutheran World Federation’s Hymns of Advent and Christmas. Featuring the Mátka Folk Group.
Lyrics (Hungarian):
Krisztus Urunknak áldott születésén/ Mondjunk angyali dalt megjelenésén
Mely Betlehemnek mezején nagy régen, Zengett eképpen:
A magasságban dicsőség Istennek, Békesség legyen földön embereknek,
És jóakarat mindenféle népnek, És nemzetségnek.
Ó, örök Isten, dicső Szentháromság, Szálljon mireánk tőled világosság,
Távozzék tőlünk bűn és szomorúság, Legyen vidámság!
Lyrics (English)
On the blessed birth of our Lord Jesus Christ/ Let us sing an angelic song on his appearing that in Bethlehem's field long ago, Sang in this way:
Glory to God in the highest, Peace on earth to men,
And goodwill to all nations and kindreds.
O eternal God, glorious Trinity, Let light shine from thee upon us,
Let sin and sorrow depart from us, and let there be joy!
A Singing Communion of Churches
During this Advent season, LWF member churches are sharing hymns from their congregations to show how the Lutheran communion regions prepare for Christ’s coming into this world.
We want to use this period to reflect on and celebrate the diversity, uniqueness and oneness of God’s gifts to us. Follow the #lwfadvent calendar
Martin Luther wrote:
“I would certainly like to praise music with all my heart as the excellent gift of God which it is and to commend it to everyone. . . it has been instilled and implanted in all creatures, individually and collectively. For nothing is without sound or harmony. Even the air…”