Advent Hymn: Boha Otce všichni chvalme, Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren
The Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren presents "Boha Otce všichni chvalme" ("All praise God the Father") as part of Lutheran World Federation’s Hymns of Advent and Christmas. Featuring Ladislav Moravetz.
Title - "Boha Otce všichni chvalme" "All praise God the Father" "Veni redemptor gentium"
Pianist - Ladislav Moravetz
Vocalist - Ladislav Moravetz
Music - Ambrose of Milan adapted by Lukáš Pražský (1460-1528)
Filming - Jaromír Schallé
Lyrics (Czech):
1. Boha Otce všichni chvalme a díky jemu vzdávejme z daru převelmi drahého, Syna jednorozeného,
2. jehož z veliké milosti k naší mnohé potřebnosti dal pro naše vykoupení, a tak k věčnému spasení.
3. Skrze nějž sliby naplnil, z hříchů a smrti vymanil, kázal o něm zvěstovati, bychom jej mohli poznati,
4. řka: „Rcete dceři Siónské z jistoty řeči prorocké, církvi i každičké duši, ať se v něm cele utěší.
5. Aj, Král tvůj béře se k tobě v lásce, v tichosti, v chudobě; povstaň k němu ze sna svého, přijmi Krále milostného.
6. Sliby jsou již naplněny, í s ním ti přichází spasení; raduj se z jeho milosti, obdaří tě účastností.“
7. Choďme všichni v světle jeho, v víře učení čistého, odvrhnouc' všechny temnosti bludů, hříchů, nepravostí.
8. Oblecme se v ctnosti svaté, v to roucho víry překrásné, bychom jemu živi byli, u víře hodně chodili.
Lyrics (English translation):
1. Let us all praise God the Father, and give thanks to him for the gift of his most precious Son, the only begotten,
2. Whom, out of his great mercy, for our great need, he hath given for our redemption, and so for our eternal salvation.
3. Through whom he hath fulfilled his promises, having delivered us from sin and death, he hath preached that we might know him,
4. saying, "Tell the daughter of Zion from the certainty of the prophetic word, the church and every soul, that they may be wholly comforted in him.
5. Behold, thy King cometh to thee in love, in meekness, in poverty: arise unto him out of thy sleep, receive the King of love.
6. The promises are already fulfilled, and with him is salvation come unto thee: rejoice in his grace, he will make thee partakers."
7. Let us all walk in his light, in the faith of pure doctrine, casting away all darkness of error, sin, iniquity.
8. Let us clothe ourselves with holy virtues, in that beautiful garment of faith, that we may live unto him, walking by faith much.
A Singing Communion of Churches
During this Advent season, LWF member churches are sharing hymns from their congregations to show how the Lutheran communion regions prepare for Christ’s coming into this world.
We want to use this period to reflect on and celebrate the diversity, uniqueness and oneness of God’s gifts to us. Follow the #lwfadvent calendar
Martin Luther wrote:
“I would certainly like to praise music with all my heart as the excellent gift of God which it is and to commend it to everyone. . . it has been instilled and implanted in all creatures, individually and collectively. For nothing is without sound or harmony. Even the air…”