A Cup of Generosity: A new stewardship campaign
A Cup of Generosity is a monthly letter from Pastor Dana Karen Reardon and the Grand Canyon Synod Stewardship Team. Feel free to use the posts or PDFs in congregational newsletters, sermons, programming, or any other use. View our archive page, or view our main stewardship page here.
“Think of us this way, as servants of Christ and stewards of God’s mysteries.”
When we talk about stewardship, we often talk about it in terms of time, talent and treasure. A lot of our effort is placed on stewardship of treasure and for good reason. Luther said the hardest conversion was of the pocketbook.
However, we are stewards of something greater than our monetary wealth. Paul tells us we are stewards of God’s mysteries. Peter knew that when he told the lame man at the Beautiful Gate “I have no silver or gold, but what I have I give you; in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, stand up and walk.” All the money we tithe is given to this mission.
We have a new stewardship campaign at our church. We are pledging to invite people into these mysteries. We have pledge cards that list ways to do this. Congregants can invite people to church or send the Zoom link or hand out postcards with our church's information. We can also like or share what our church is doing on Facebook. We pledge to do these things on a monthly basis. The pledge cards were sealed in envelopes so only the person pledging knows the contents. No, that is not entirely true because God knows. It is between them and God to be a good steward of God’s mysteries.
And it is working. We have had visitors in person and on Zoom. It feels good to be a part of sharing what God is doing.
We are a small church and I do not know what will come of all this, but each person who joins us gets to hear the message of God’s love for us.
Perhaps you too would like to be more intentional in being stewards of God’s mysteries. It is a very joyful thing to do.
“Lord, we thank you for inviting us to participate in what you are doing in the world. Bless us as we share your love.”