$20,000 matching grant provided for 2021 Fund for Leaders Golf Classic
The 2021 Fund for Leaders Golf Classic in at the Arrowhead Golf Course in Glendale is Monday, November 15, 2021, beginning at 7 am. Friends of golfers and the fund can also come out and enjoy the lunch program. Check out this brochure and registration form for more info.
Donate online here and be sure to put 2021 Fund for Leaders Golf Classic in the note/memo line as you go through the form.
Kirk Anderson, Chair of the Fund for Leaders Golf Classic, writes:
We have some BIG news related to our event. A member of a Grand Canyon Synod church, excited by the increased number of candidates seeking ordained ministry within the Synod, will match all donations up to $20,000. Pastor Jacqueline Pagel, Bishop’s Associate for Candidacy, is quite excited about the possibility of having $40,000 to assist these Seminarians.
Last year, although unable to hold the annual golf tournament due to the pandemic, we raised $20,700 from donors like you, in support of our seminarians and the Fund for Leaders. This year, when combined with the scheduled tournament on November 15, we hope to raise $28,000, as well as another $20,000 from the matching grant.
I’m writing on behalf of the growing number of candidates for ordained ministry within the Grand Canyon Synod. Pastor Jacqui Pagel, Assistant to the Bishop, reports that thirty students are currently at various stages of their Seminary education. When Pastor Jacqui began working with seminarians, the synod had only three candidates. Yes, the Spirit is at work in the Grand Canyon Synod!
Two Fund recipients share their appreciation:
“The scholarship to me means that I can live in-person near my seminary and finish school without the life-long burden of debt. I feel free of the financial stress that extensive loans would give me, which allows me to stay present and really learn. Thank you!!”
“The Fund for Leaders scholarship has allowed me to focus on my studies stress free from the anxiety that comes from paying tuition. It allows me to be fully present on my calling to the ministry rather than focusing on the finances.”
It is obvious our donations make a difference.
Please be as generous as you are able. Your check needs to be made out to the Grand Canyon Synod with the words 2021 Fund for Leaders Golf Classic on the memo line. Mail your donation to Kirk Anderson, 986 N. Maverick Trail, Dewey, AZ 86327. Or donate online here and be sure to put 2021 Fund for Leaders Golf Classic in the note/memo line as you go through the form.
Our prayers go out to these Seminarians, that they be sustained in their studies.
Kirk Anderson
Chair, Fund for Leaders Golf Classic