Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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The mission that love built: observations on the reason we exist

In their most recent newsletter, Navajo Lutheran Mission Executive Director and Pastor Kate Adelman shares how sustainable solutions are created when love reframes the conversation.

"Whale Rock" Artwork by Lora Diaz, Mission Community Outreach Manager

Love, from the Mission point of view, is to accompany our Rock Point neighbors to live out a new movement rooted in the gospel. We see being a follower of Jesus as something different and deeper than charity. Even when it is hard, we strive to do what love commands. For our staff, that means noticing a need and seeking a sustainable solution. It means creating an infrastructure that is nimble enough to respond to real problems in real time. 

Too often, communities like Rock Point are judged by the challenges they face. Love asks us to rethink and re-orient to the reality that Navajo people are resourceful, generous, skilled, and capable of solving their challenges. The missing link is opportunity. When the Navajo people are left out as a partner in change, far less can be accomplished.

At this moment in time, 40-50% of Navajo households have no running water or electricity. A much larger percentage have no improved road to their home. The temptation is to think in terms of poverty, lack, economic crisis, perpetual separation. Love reframes the conversation, taking notice of the relationships and capabilities that exist among the Navajo people for problem solving, forming partnerships, overcoming challenge, and finding joy. We continue to form alliances with local Chapter leadership, Navajo Nation officials, staff, and community members whose education and certifications equip them to recognize the community’s needs and initiate change. 

‘What if’ becomes ‘what’s next?’

God’s all-inclusive love, God’s goodness, is God’s form of action. We are learning from Jesus how to see the image of God in the face of our neighbor and discover the kindness of God in the deeds of those we thought were strangers. We are learning to trust each other and work together to plan and implement enduring community change, powered by love. 

Thank you for your investment of love, financial support, and prayers that open the door of opportunity and nurture the dreams of a grateful Navajo community. Together, we are making a difference. We are truly the Mission that love built.