Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Prompts for Prayers of Intercession: March 6, 2022

Intercession prompts:

  • For the people of Ukraine, for conscripted Russian soldiers, for war zone reporters, for the leaders of the nations…that all your beloved might live in safety and freedom from fear…

  • For bold, adaptive leadership in the face of urgent climate change…

  • For African students in Ukraine seeking refuge, for an end to racism everywhere…

  • For Chef José Andrés and the World Central Kitchen, for all humanitarian relief efforts…

  • For trans kids and their parents, for allies, for legislators

  • For all who despair, for all who dare still to hope…

Other notable events and observances:
Women’s History Month (Month of March)
Commemoration of Perpetua and Felicity and companions, martyrs at Carthage (March 7)
International Women’s Day (March 8)

Suggested prayers and hymns:
Hymns for the peace of the world
Let Streams of Living Justice (ELW 710)
O God of Every Nation (ELW 713)
Canticle of the Turning (ELW 723)
This Is My Song (ELW 887)

A prayer for protection in danger (ELW Prayer Book for the Armed Services)

O God, the strength of all who trust in you, we plead this day for your courage and care for those who struggle in war. Protect those in danger; give help to the wounded, liberty to the captives, recovery to the sick, and rest to the dead; and comfort those who mourn. In your mercy, restore to us and all people the blessings of peace, for you live and rule eternally. Amen.

These prompts are provided for worship leaders as they prepare the prayers of intercession for weekly worship. The prompts are prepared by several leaders in the ELCA and reflect current world and national events. You are encouraged to adapt and add other concerns for your local context, including staying informed of events and concerns in your synod.

Additional topical prayers are found in Evangelical Lutheran Worship (pp. 72–87) and All Creation Sings (pp. 46–55), as well as in other resources provided in print and online at

Crafted intercessions for every Sunday and festival are provided in the Sundays and Seasons worship planning guide published in-print and online by Augsburg Fortress.

Prayer Ventures, a daily prayer resource, is a guide to prayer for the global, social and outreach ministries of the ELCA, as well as for the needs and circumstances of our neighbors, communities and world.