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Lutheran World Federation newsletter: 2/16/2024

A climate fast campaign from Germany takes Lent to consider “how we can be more frugal and mindful in our use of resources”. Photo: Unsplash, Chris Gallagher


LWF learning platform offers a variety of training resources

“As much as you need” campaign during Lent

Being credible witnesses in church and society

Get Involved

Crisis in the Holy Land

Ongoing Campaigns and Open Calls

Donate to support the
emergency work of our
LWF Jerusalem Program

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Grow to Lead

25 January – 15 March 2024

Luther’s art of spiritual comfort – theology and practice for pastoral care today

2 – 16 March 2024


Learning Platform

Now there are varieties - Study document on Lutheran Identity

"The Spirit of the Lord Is Upon Me” - International Lutheran-Pentecostal Dialogue Statement

Hope for the Future: A Study Document for Renewing Jewish-Christian Relations

Gender Justice toolbox

Interim Report: Experiences of Women in the Ordained Ministry

LWF Photo Library