Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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June 24 Gathering for ELCA Leaders - Antiracism as a Religious Commitment

You are invited to join this weekly gathering designed to provide encouragement and support for ELCA leaders across the church.

We welcome back Dr. Martin Lohrmann on June 24. He is the Associate Professor of Lutheran Confessions and Heritage at Wartburg Theological Seminary. Among other works, he is the author of Book of Harmony: Spirit and Service in the Lutheran Confessions (Fortress, 2016) and the forthcoming Stories from Global Lutheranism: A Historical Introduction (Fortress, expected summer 2020).

Using the 1966 documentary A Time for Burning as a starting point, participants will learn about and discuss the ways that racism has impacted the witness and ministry of white Lutheran congregations in the United States. The session will also discuss antiracist values and strategies that people can use in daily life.

If you missed Dr. Lohrmann's April 15 presentation "Hope and Lutheran History," you can watch that recording and find supporting documents here:

Participants will hear topical presentations related to how we are called to be Church in times of crisis, as well as an opportunity to be in small group discussions with an ELCA group coach facilitating the conversation. All of this is designed to help us process our feelings in this strange and fearful time and to create a space where we can each name our next most faithful step forward in our unique context. You are welcome to share this invitation with any other ELCA leader, rostered or lay. #ELCAChurchTogether

ELCA Coaching is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Being Church in Times of Crisis - Weekly Gathering for ELCA Leaders
Time: June 24, 2020 01:00 PM Central Time

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Password: 648160