Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Grand Canyon Synod Campus Ministries on retreat

Our campus ministries from Arizona State University and the University of Arizona went to San Diego for the 43rd Annual Labor Day Weekend Retreat. (NAU is currently in a call process and was unable to join us this year)

As always we are lodged in different locations (okay, we sleep on church floors) and get together for beach time and a Mission Bay breakfast followed by a form of Yoga done to various Bible verses, then interactive get-acquainted activities.

On the retreat is time for discussion, free time to explore various parts of San Diego, beach time, and activities for group building. Students come to experience the ocean and San Diego and leave with friends. It has been an excellent way to integrate new students into the existing group. Few who attend this retreat fail to come again and again. And most who come become very active in our ministries.

Thank you, Grand Canyon Synod for your support of all of our campus ministries!