Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Act Now for a Just Future: Advocate for the 2024 Farm Bill

The ELCA is actively advocating for the 2024 Farm Bill, urging Congress to pass legislation that provides food security, supports sustainable farming, and promotes inclusivity and environmental stewardship. With the current bill expiring in September 2024, now is a crucial time for action. Engage through the ELCA Action Center, participate in upcoming advocacy webinars, and help shape a Farm Bill that reflects our Lutheran values of care and compassion. Join us in making a difference in our communities and beyond. Read more and learn how @

A Call to Action: Advocating for the 2024 Farm Bill

As Lutherans, we are called to steward the earth and ensure food for all, a mission crucially guided by the U.S. Farm Bill. Currently, the Farm Bill, which sets the course for our nation’s agricultural, rural, and food policies, is under debate in Congress. With the current bill set to expire in September 2024, it is a pivotal time for our community to voice its values.

Farm Bill's Current Status The House and Senate Agriculture Committees are drafting their versions of the 2024 Farm Bill. Despite a tight legislative calendar in this election year, House Agriculture Chairman Glenn Thompson aims for a committee markup by Memorial Day. Notably, early proposals suggest significant changes to the SNAP program, potentially cutting $30 billion from its budget over ten years—a move that could impact our nation’s fight against hunger.

Faith in Advocacy The ELCA is advocating for a Farm Bill that aligns with our faith-based principles: supporting our neighbors, both local and global, fostering healthy rural and farming communities, embracing inclusive practices, and caring for creation to sustain future generations. These values are foundational as we seek legislation that combats hunger and poverty and promotes justice.

Get Involved Your voice is vital. Engage with ELCA’s Action Series on Farm Bill Priorities and use the messaging tools to express your priorities to lawmakers. Opportunities for advocacy include:

  • Advocating for conservation and climate-friendly measures.

  • Supporting full funding for SNAP benefits.

  • Attending webinars, such as the upcoming session on June 13, hosted by the Faith Action Network, to better understand the bill’s significance and how you can take action.

Upcoming Events and Resources Stay informed and equipped by signing up for the ELCA Advocacy Network to receive action alerts and updates. You can also access resources like the Farm Bill Leave Behind, which reflects priorities from ELCA’s listening sessions across the country.

Our Collective Voice Matters By uniting our voices, we can help shape a just Farm Bill that leaves no one behind. Consider writing letters to your local newspapers, attending town halls, or simply discussing these issues within your communities. Let’s act boldly to end hunger and ensure a healthy future for all.