Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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A holy Christmas at Navajo Lutheran Mission

Christmas at the Mission 2022

Warm hearts and wide smiles perfectly balanced the chilly Rock Point, Arizona winter air on December 15th, 2022, at the Mission 2022 Christmas Program. 

39 Mission students in traditional Navajo finery and costumes sang Christmas carols and told the story of Jesus' birth so many years ago. Parents and community members beamed with pride and cheered all throughout the program. Our thanks to all the parents, teachers, and staff who worked so hard to make this year's program another annual community favorite.

Following the program was the long-awaited annual Quilt distribution. Over 1,000 quilts of a rainbow of colors and styles were given the community members. These quilts were donated to Navajo families by church groups, sewing clubs, and even international support organizations such as the Orphan Grain Train. This winter will be just a little bit warmer for our friends and neighbors thanks to the efforts of our many friends throughout the United States.


Many Native American theologians say that Indigenous people lived Christ-like lives for many centuries. Some of the characteristics are helping others when they are in need, advocating for those who may not be able to, and seeking justice for marginalized populations. We share these same characteristics to our non-Native brothers and sisters who stand with us in the work we do in Rock Point, AZ.

For nearly seventy years, Navajo Lutheran Mission worked hard to level equal access to quality education, clean and safe drinking water, and addressing issues of food scarcity. With your help, last year we served over 20,000 meals through Hozho Café, disbursed over 500,000 gallons of water, and drove over 50,000 rugged miles to pick up our 39 students.

Our work continues to be very important as the Navajo Lutheran Mission is a beacon of hope and love. As you celebrate your blessings this year, I want to thank you for your continued support. We too, celebrate our blessings of your support that is transforming our community, our families, and our students.

— Patterson Yazzie
    Executive Director


In the first chapter of Luke, Mary sings a song of praise to God for all that is about to take place. Does she know what that is? What assurances has God given her? What will be the outcome of all she ponders in her heart?

My soul magnifies the Lord,
and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
for he has looked with favor
on the lowliness of his servant…
He has shown strength with his arm;
he has scattered the proud in the
thoughts of their hearts.
He has brought down the powerful
from their thrones,
and lifted up the lowly.

(Luke 1, excerpts)

With a confident voice of gratitude, Mary somehow knows to sing about God’s accomplishments – without even mentioning her miraculous pregnancy (except to call it ‘favor’). Everything has radically changed for her; even so, she visions something yet more praiseworthy. She gives voice to what God will do, as though she knows the future.

I find myself wondering about that kind of ‘God sighting’, and how God is calling forth what is beyond me, beyond Navajo Lutheran Mission, or beyond the Navajo people. Do you wonder the same? Mary sings her praise as though God has already righted the injustices and restored Creation. She points us to God’s accomplishments, beyond our own.

True, deep, lasting change is rooted in Mary’s kind of hope, believing that God is working in and through Navajo Lutheran Mission to right the story and restore justice for our Navajo neighbors and beyond. This newsletter is literally filled with evidence of hope (God’s accomplishments) expressed in the joy of children, the gratitude of a grandparent with a new quilt, a job-well-done smile from talented staff, each with a vision of something that is to come that will be yet more praiseworthy.

Give the Gift of Hope.

Partnered with hopeful people like you, we are accomplishing the miracle of transformation and lasting change. You bless us with needed resources to invest in a future brimming with ‘God sightings.’ Like Mary, we have caught a glimpse of what God can accomplish when we say yes, trusting God to right the wrongs and make straight the pathway to justice and peace. Thank you for the generosity and love that holds us in hope of what God is doing…trusting as though we know the future.

  — Kate Adelman, Development Director and Pastor

From everyone in Rock Point this holiday season