Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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5 Ways to celebrate Earth Day as Church

There are so many ways to be engaged in Spirit and Action for Earth Day! Lutherans Restoring Creation provides ideas and resources to celebrate as an individual, youth group, Bible study or whole congregation.

  1. Integrate Creation Care elements into your worship service:

  2. Host an intergenerational study group to reflect on Five Theses for Earth Day, developed by authors of our 1993 Social Statement on Creation Care.

  3. Ask your Council to commit to a Covenant with Creation – forward this link. Ask other churches in your synod to join you. (Short info-video: HOW to get started in your congregation!)

  4. Invite fellow members to complete a personal assessment of their relationship with God’s gift of creation: Print outs and online forms available for free here.

  5. Get involved locally in an event or on-going effort (and bring fellow church members while you wear your God’s Work, Our Hands shirts!). Either explore efforts here or register your own gathering: